Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays...(a little belated)

My Holiday was spent between being sick in bed (Christmas Eve & day) & working... Not so much fun

But Bjørn did an awesome job of picking up the slack & made a delicious American-ish Christmas dinner while I was delirious with a fever....
(Yes, he bought another Turkey...we didn't serve the rotten one... : ) )

Santa was very kind the kiddos this year leaving the much wanted Wii...... & Wii Fitness.... (I am volunteering to be a spokeswoman for Nintendo....)

Bjørn & I have been burning off a calories after we put the kids to bed...wink wink...
(boxing & doing the HulaHoop game....)

Being sick & on heavy cold medication was probably a blessing, had I been in my right mind, I would have been very very homesick as my sisters & brother all flew home with their families ,to my mom & dad's .... : ( , there are 8 grandchildren between the ages of 10 & 4 (with another on the way...)
so Christmas at home with all of the kids is always so special..... None the less, we had a very blessed day with the kids thrilled with their gifts.
Tomorrow night we have plans to celebrate 2009 with my American girlfriend & her family...
However, Eva just threw up all over the house, so it may be a sick night home instead... (cross you fingers for us)

I just wanted to wish all of my bloggy friends all over the world a
blessed & safe 2009... HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Stephanie said…
Your kids are so gorgeous!!! Im glad you all had a good christmas!! I SO want a wii fit!
I second that your kids are gorgeous!!!

Sorry you were sick!

I love my Wii Fit!!
Cristin said…
Sorry you're sick... we all have a cold here too...

Happy New Year!
Jen said…
It looks like a great Christmas and a happy new year to you.
Grand Pooba said…
I got the wii fit too! My husband sits and laughs at me when I do the hoola hoop game!
What a buncha cuties!! I want a Wiifit! No fair! :) Hope you feel better...
scargosun said…
I am so sorry to hear you were sick. :( I am glad you were able to enjoy Christmas a little bit. Have fin with the Wii!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I am so glad you are better... and enjoying your "late night" activity with "Mr American in Norway"....

welcome back to our blogging world.

Rebecca Jo said…
JEALOUS... I so want a WII!!!!

And thank for wishing me a happy birthday... blog buddies have made it the best day!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year! Sorry to hear your under the weather!
Mary Ellen said…
So glad you managed to have a little fun with those beautiful children. Here's hoping New Years will be healthy and happy!
Debie Napoleon said…
I am a Wii Fit freak as well..my son loves the Wii no matter what he plays.

Hope everyone is healthy and you have a joyous New Year!
Unknown said…
I cracked up at the 'If it smells like farts' :-)

Your kids really are cute ... those eyes are just arresting !!!

Fingers crossed that Eva is okay and that you have a great New Year's celebration.

Happy New Year
KimmyJ said…
Hope everyone is well enough for you to go and celebrate. I know what it feels like to be far from home and homesick around the holidays! Feel better!
KCLC said…
Wheeeeeee! You got a wii!!!!
But wait. What happened to the skis???
And I am glad to hear your feeling mucho better. I myself was sick for almost a month. I have still yet to quit pouring nitequil in my wine glass during dinner time. HAHA! Who am I kidding? Thats the best part of my day!
Lizzie said…
poor sick mama. i hope everyone in your house stays healthy over the new year.
WOW!...sounds like a horribly GOOD time! lol!

Sorry you were sick...did you lose any weight? Hope so...if you have to be sick for the holidays there MUST be some compensation! lol!

Happy New Year to you also!!!
Frizzy said…
Love your pictures! Happy Belated Christmas and Holidays to you too. I sure hope your little one feels better before tomorrow night. No fun to be sick over the holidays as you and she have been. I have a whole new way of looking at turkeys now thanks to your story. LOL!
Robin said…
Merry Christmas to you also.

I could also be a Nitendo spokesperson, I love my Wii Fit.

We spent Christmas playing Guitar Hero World Tour (like Rock Band), we were so busy playing the encores that we were almost late to Grandma's.
Ash said…
Sorry for the sickness. Seems to be rampant around the blogosphere - Mamas pushing themselves too hard.

Wii Fit totally rocks.

Happy New Year!!!
Simple Answer said…
Happy New Year!

wii fit? How is it everyone has moved on and I'm still stuck on DDR?
hexe said…
Happy New Year! We too have a vomiting kid this New Years - must be a trend :) Hope you had your visit!
Kelly said…
Ooooh! I'm sorry that you were feeling bad over Christmas; I'm glad you're feeling better. BUT, Poor Eva...hopefully it's a fluke (fingers crossed!!).
We've also been playing Wii fit...let's hope those 30 -40 minutes per day pay off ;)

Happy New Years!! I love and miss you tons!!!
Anonymous said…
Poor you - being sick and then having a sick girl!

Hope you all make a rapid recovery soon!

Wii Fit is great!
Jenny said…
Happy New Year!
Unknown said…
Sorry you were sick- your kids are gorgeous as everyone has said.
Hope you are all feeling better and that 2009 brings you much joy and many blessings.

I have read some of your posts. I would revisit, as I liked your writings.

Naval Langa

Other Blog
Sydney said…
What a bummer to be sick on Christmas! Hope you're feeling better. After playing Wii with my nephews at Christmas, I'm regretting that we didn't let my in-laws get us one for Christmas. Maybe next year!
Mammatalk said…
So sorry to hear you were sick. So nice to hear your positive attitude, though. Wishing you a wonderful, healthy 2009!

And, "Americanish"? Love it! Funny!
Skogkjerring said…
Happy New Year!!! Hope you are feeling better and Eva also! Your daughter looks JUST like you- very cute!

Hope you have a great 2009!!!
SabrinaT said…
OH what beautiful kids! Glad you are feeling better!!! We are STILL waiting for our Wii Fit...
Ronnica said…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, too!

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