Yippeeee I'm BAAACK!

The computer killer is BACK! & this time I have learned my lesson...(I hope) we were able to transfer all of the important stuff (Eva's life in pictures) over to Bjørns computer... We will have to transfer them back to my laptop in order to burn them... which we will do tomorrow....(heard that before?)

I know what i will be doing during my 2 free days of Christmas, trying to set my laptop back up again....

It is sooo sad how dependent i am on my computer.... Had we not been able to save the pictures on my computer, Eva's life in pictures would be GONE..... I have maybe 20 pictures laying around the house... how scary... At least with Dane, i have boxes & boxes of photos before I went digital.

(just a warning, i do not have English spell check on this yet...so bare with me... no mean comments as i am a horrible speller... & I had a crappy week... so be nice!)

Is it Christmas already? I am sooo trying to get into the Christmas spirit, but it has yet to hit me..... It just doesn't feel like Christmas for me... there are no shopping mall Santa's.... no serious Christmas decorations, people don't even say "Merry Christmas" or Happy Holidays here.... bummer.... Oh ya, & today I didn't even need a coat.... (let me remind you... i live in NORWAY & it was like 40 degrees! can you say GLOBAL WARMING?)

I finally figured out what i really want for Christmas...
After months of dark, gloomy days... & bad lighting in my house... we finally got a nice sunny day here.... I am singing along to the radio in my car...enjoying the sun on my face... when to my HORROR... I catch a glimpse of my wild, UNTAMED, crazy, old lady eyebrows in the rear view mirror.... WTF? Who the hell, have I become? What is THAT on my chin? & how long have I been running around like this...OMG.... No wonder my husband has been so nice to me lately... I remind him of his 75 year old mother.... (did i just say that out loud?)

So I decide i want...no NEED one of those magnifying mirrors with all of the different lighting..Office, day, home etc.... (like $30 from WALMART...but we don't have WalMART soo) i went to 5 different stores... do you think they have anything like that here? Ummm ...NO. So now I am on a QUEST... I don't care where i need to go... i am determined to get a mirror with lights so I don't look like the wild woman from Borneo....

So happy to be back! I have missed reading you all... so i will start making the rounds!


MsTypo said…
Welcome back!! You were missed. :)

I doubt your husband even noticed! You're always beautiful to him. Of course, he thinks his 75 year old mother is beautiful too but i'm sure there's no corolation between teh two. :p
I am glad to hear that your computer is recovered and especially that you have Eva's pictures!

And the mirror. Really. There are somethings best left unknown.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Glad you are back... you were missed!!! And i am glad about Eva´s photos as well... I cannot imagine losing everything like that!!

forget the mirror...call the spa. Get waxed and plucked and coiffed and painted and massaged... and you will feel like a new woman! LOL! you deserve it after all the stress of the last few weeks!
Anonymous said…
Welcome back! Im sorry about your demon computer!! You remind me that I seriously need to get my hard drive backed up so I dont lose anything!!

And your spelling was great!!

And do you need us to send you a lighted mirror? Im bad, I pay to have someone else do it for me. Well I did. Then my husband's not here, so I kinda stopped caring..but one day I will again :)
Mary Ellen said…
So glad you're back. And Merry Christmas, Season's Greetings and Happy Holidays to you!

Picture us sending you some Christmas in America love!

Don't worry about the stray hairs. I'm sure, with the reduced lighting, nobody even noticed.
Lizzie said…
so glad you were able to save all you pictures. i know how much that sucks. still makes me wonder what we are all going to do with our digital pictures some day??? anywho, good luck on your mirror quest, ain't getting older grand? NOT!!
Anonymous said…
haha, baring with you would mean taking our clothes off! i'm sorry, it was just too funny to let slide! seriously, i can't spell either, and apparently i also have a rather odd sense of humor. so glad your blog is back! and you have eva's pictures, that's the best.
Cammie said…
welcome back! Yeah, I have one of those mirrors....you DONT want one.....
Mammatalk said…
Wild woman from Borneo? I'm with you, lady! Too funny. :-)
WheresMyAngels said…
Wow, they have no Santa's at the mall and no Merry Christmas greetings :(

Global warming is scary!

Hope you get your eye brows done!

Oh and I lost Aysha's (my four year old) first year of life on my laptop. Still haven't learned to burn my pictures to back them up yet.
Julie H said…
I upload all my pictures to Winkflash.com AND back them up just in case. Figure that way if my house burns down I can still get my pictures.
Yay your back!!!

You really missed that computer didn't you?!! Or was it all of us you missed!
Debie Napoleon said…
Missed you and so glad you are back!

Maybe we could send you that mirror - if you canot find it soon!
Anonymous said…
Hilarious! Wild woman of Borneo.. hahaha!

My advice: don't get one of those lighted mirrors. Otherwise, you'll just get a complex about all those warts and wrinkles and stuff... or not...

I'm with kelli on this one: get a spa, a massage, some chocolate therapy and for goodness sake - put in some daylight bulbs all over the house. We do - and we're always happy... (or is that the glögg talking?)
Suzanne said…
So glad to see you back. Computer trouble is a bad thing.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
What A Card said…
Welcome back, and happy little Christmas Eve! (Did I get that right? It's from your newer post so I can't check, you know, unless I open a new window. But I'm too lazy. Which is crazy, as it would have been far quicker than typing this explanation, but there you go.)

Anyway, missed your bloggy-goodness, and hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Tiff said…
lol..i hate those rear view mirrors sometimes!! They show everything!! :)

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