(big breath) Well MY mommy....

I hate to toot my own horn... BUT.. when it comes to Eva's preschool... I am kinda like the

"Rock Star" of mommies....

I am like the "Pied Piper"... I enter the school & the kiddos. come. running.

I always thought it was because I speak English... all the little kids like to run up & count AS FAST AS THEY CAN..123456789Tennnnnnnn.

Now I am beginning to wonder if it isn't so much that I am American as with Eva's new thing...

(big breath)
Well MY mommy.....

seems my Eva is a little storyteller.

For the most part...I giggle a little, & enjoy hearing the stuff she comes up with... (I know she won't think I am a ROCK STAR much longer...so I might as well enjoy it while I can.

Some of the things little Eva has shared with the class over the past few months....

I am pregnant... & giving her a little brother.

I am a R E A L L Y great singer as she volunteered my for the adult choir...in fact I sing OPERA.

I don't speak or understand Norwegian...

(despite the fact that I speak Norwegian to EVERYONE except her...)

If the children go swimming & they start to drown...they shouldn't worry because I can save them... they can just climb on to my back..cause I swim JUST LIKE A DOLPHIN... ya know..I was a life guard for many many years... (Life guard thing TRUE...Dolphin thing notsomuch)

I am BEAUTIFUL...bless you child...bless you..

but My FAVORITE happened last week....

I went in to pick Eva up... the children gathered around as I was getting her coat on her... she begins to tell all of them..

(big breath) "Well, MY mommy is coming to school tomorrow... & we can all sit on her back while she slides down the hill on her BELLY... we can use her like a sled..."

about 4 little girls stood there with eyes as big as saucers...looking back & forth between Eva & myself.... back & forth...back & forth...

most times I let her little FIBS go.. (except for the baby brother thing) - but I started laughing & assured them that I would NOT be coming the next day to be used as a SLED....

...Oh bless....

Thank you baby girl for thinking that I KNOW & can do EVERYTHING.... when you get to be 15 & think I am dumber than a box of rocks... I will send you back to mommy's blog so you can see just how smart I really am. : ) Unless of course you are making these stories up because you are ALREADY ashamed of me... - crap - I didn't think of it that way....hrumph...

PS... no, that isn't really me on my BELLY...didn't want there to be any confusion... : )


Is there something in the water that makes those second children born story tellers? Madalyn can weave a good yarn, too. When she was in preschool she had her teachers convinced we went to Alaska. For Thanksgiving. And she tried to tell me that Eric Clapton did a performance at her school...
Such a cute post! The things kids come up with always make you smile!
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh. This is TOO funny! I love that you are her everything! And maybe she knows something about the baby that you don't know yet... just sayin' : )

PS You would be a fabulous sled!
Sandy said…
:D aww... kids and their stories. They sure can come up with some doozies that make you wonder.
Pseudo said…
I miss my kids looking up at me that way. I have two teens right now....
Brenda said…
Oh God !!! You gave me my morning guffa - thankyou - I needed that.

Sooo precious Tressa!

Cristin said…
So funny! I wonder what lies my kids will tell about me... hopefully that I'm pretty...
BenLand said…
hey...i'm pregnant too!!!! except i'm having a baby shrek! hahaha!

love it :)
Anonymous said…
I laughed out loud! That's hilarious:)
Sues2u2 said…
She is Priceless! Thanks for the laugh when I should be doing my homework!!
MommyLisa said…
So cute. Kind of you to create the visual image too - of you as a sled.

Miss Footloose said…
When they are little they think you can do and be anything. When they are teenagers they think you know and understand nothing. Then, sometimes even before they're out of their teens, they THANK YOU for being such a cool mother, or they even APOLOGIZE for having been such a bitch! Really! It happened to me!
ch said…
That is so sweet! Eva is beautiful! I have a feeling most of what she says about you is true!

Eva was my grandmother's name. Love that name.
You should make a story book with her stories! : )
Anonymous said…
I love little kids and the things they say! You obviously rock mom!
Droppin' in from SITS!
Anonymous said…
I love little kids and the things they say! You obviously rock mom!
Droppin' in from SITS!
Tina L. Hook said…
TOO FUNNY. Surely your little one has supreme confidence in you if she feels you could double as a sled.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I literally almost just spit out my coffee on the sled thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's hysterical. She is so cute!

I never posted on the breakup - but I will one of these days. It was pretty painful, so I didn't want to talk (aka blog) much about it. But now that some time has passed, I will do that soon!
Samantha said…
What a cute post! The photos of her are sooo adorable!
Anonymous said…
She is so creative. At least they are all positive things. Stopping by from SITS!
What a fun post! Those are the memories we all too often forget. Stopping by from SITS
Danae Hudson said…
HA! I love how at the end you had the other idea...That is an amazing post.

And congrats on being #1. ;)

Stopping by from SITS!
Trudie said…
*LOL* so cute! Stopping by from SITS!
Ummm - thanks a lot! I now have coffee ALL over me!!! (Yep, I projected it all over myself at the sled part)


Love her stories. She's a cutie pie.
Oksana said…
Thank you, Tressa, for so wonderful post. Really our kids belive that we can do everything and protect them from everything also.My small boy is nearly 4 years old now. and all the time when I read your blog (mostly I do it everyday),I see how wonderful mother you are. You inspire me to do my best to my baby.Thank you.

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