Friday Fragments...this & that...

Mrs. 4444 is hosting Friday Fragments & today is a PERRRRFECT day for it...cause all I have are a bunch of FRAGMENTS for y'all.

I am pooped...& COLD... I liked the cold last it was really exciting... now, it is just C O L D... &

I would really like to get the feeling back in my toes.

Right before Christmas I decided I had had enough of my middle age S P R E A D...

Seriously...when did my ass get so big?

I decided to take baby steps to get my activity level up... I decided to walk 5 k three times a week.... (my older skinny sister asked why I didn't just walk 5 k a day?----- Ummm if I was THAT motivated I wouldn't be in the shape I am would I?)

I decided to be realistic... put time aside for myself 3 times a week... & build it up...

Little did I know, we were headed for the coldest weather in like 30 years...but STILL... I have been walking... YEA...go ME!

I started project 365... the idea is to take a picture a day, everyday, for an entire year...

didn't even consider that this would be my LAST year in my 30's... that is reason enough to document everyday... Want to check out my pictures? Go here

Look at who is almost to 200 followers... ya... I am a dork & was getting a LITTLE bit excited & told my baby sis... where she informed me that she has 240


Just wondering...

if someone gave me money for Christmas & told me WHAT TO I have to?... I mean... if they really wanted me to have THAT gift... shouldn't THEY have driven across town to buy it? - I don't really want THAT gift... & I sure as hell do not have the time or the desire to go buy it for myself. Am I just WRONG or?

When someone asks how you are... (an acquaintance) do you really tell them what is going on? or say...fine, great.. thanks for asking?

A dad at Eva's preschool started making small talk with me today while we were both picking up our girls... He asked about my New Years.. I asked about his...(making small talk again) where he informed me that he has lost his son... HORRIBLE HORRIBLE story.... I just stood there...mouth open... & said I was so sorry for his loss....

was that odd...or is it just me?

We got our plane tickets HOME... woo hoo...


(ok not until this summer...but still.... tickets are BOOKED)

OK... enough of my FRAGMENTED thoughts this evening... I will let y'all get back to whatever you were doing... sigh...


MommyLisa said…
I was excited when I hit 40 followers the other week. ;)

Yes - it is odd to give someone $ for a specific gift

Yes - it is weird the guy told you that story so bluntly...I mean? He needs someone to talk! A professional, not you.
Hans and Shinta said…
Wow! Congrats on almost having 200 followers! =) and yay for going home!! We also have booked our tickets to go to Indonesia in.....OCTOBER! hahahaha...
Karen said…
I was ecstatic when someone other than my family actually followed my blog.

Painful stress does strange things to the human mind. People share all sorts of things at times that make you wonder.
LOL to the fragments about your sisters. My sister and I are the same way. It made me laugh. & then it made me miss her. & then it made me think about teasing her (I'm the older one). Awww...sisterly love!
Sues2u2 said…
I say buy what you want. The thought is really nice that they had something picked out but if they really wanted you to have it they should have gone & gotten it. *shrug* Just my two cents worth.

That poor man. I agree w/ Karen. Grief will make you do strangely odd things.
Anonymous said…
Bookmarked this. Show one's gratitude you looking for sharing. Positively advantage my time.
he probably just needed to tell someone... :( that's so sad!

good for you for walking in the COLD.

i barely want to leave my house at all... and it's only in the 30's/20's... i can't imagine how cold it must be where you are!!!
OMG, on so many levels. And, thank you for the fragments and having me go from huh? to laughing out loud to oh no!

You don't give $ and then tell the recipient it's for you to buy X. Just buy what you want and blame it on your blogging friends :-)

Poor guy. Really. Poor guy.
DianeCA said…
I think your walking is a good start and REALLY impressive if you have kept at it this week. Glad to hear your traveling home in the summer...just as long as you back to Oslo Blog Gathering 2010!! We aren't traveling to the US this year, Dad is coming to visit us instead. Just added you to my google reader. I am Mrs. RennyBA, otherwise known as DianeCA
Corinne said…
Remember, this is Norway where you will get an honest response to "How are you?"

The pictures you have been posting lately have been AMAZING. You really do have a talent for this, girlfriend. And I will be seeing you on the 21st in Oslo!
I think you should buy whatever you want with the money. Or if it makes you feel better, go buy what the person told you to buy, then return it, then buy what you want.
Corrie Howe said…
I guess the dad needed to talk about his loss and just needed someone to listen. It is hard to hear things like that, but know that you were probably helping him through the grieving process.

Love Friday Fragments, they are great for just simple things we want to say but can't make an entire post from.
prashant said…
Congrats on almost having 200 followers!

Work from home India

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