I ♥ Faces Texture

This weeks theme is T E X T U R E....
I wasn't going to play, cause texture?... thats way over my head...
I don't have any "actions".. heck, I'm not even sure what an "action" is... : (
BUT... I do want to learn...
You know what they say...
"if you are going to run with the big dogs, you have to get off of the porch..."
So this is ME...getting off of my porch... (early even...hmmm)

My mother sent Eva colored bath tablets from America... WOW... she thinks they are the COOLEST ever... (mom, were almost out...please send more! : )

I loved the color & the TEXTURE in the water... (see how I fit that in there?)

I am a little early, but here is hoping they won't mind over at I ♥ Faces, go on over & check them out.


Corinne said…
Holy crap that's an awesome photo!
THis is a BEAUTIFUL photo --- yes the texture of the water but also the way half her hair is wet and in the water and half the way its dry --- very very cool. Hope you win something!! You should!
Jen said…
That is a beautiful photo! Great job!
Mireille said…
Natalie said…
i love the vivid colors. :)

thanks for the comment on my blog. and you're exactly right. if you don't try, you don't learn. very well put :)
Unknown said…
Her eyes are beautiful. This is a really great photo and a very nice use of textures.. Great job.
Buckeroomama said…
What an amazing perspective. I love it!
Anonymous said…
love it! yeah, I pulled of texture in a different way too - but seriously, there is texture everywhere and it's so cool! :)
Steph said…
Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous.

...stopping by from SITS...

Steph @ A Grande Life
STUNNING! I can't come up with another word to describe your picture.
emily said…
SOOO cute! I'm spacey today and didn't realize it was water until I read the caption. very cool! She has amazing eyes!
jen@odbt said…
Gorgeous - I love the pink water and her big eyes. There is definitely texture here.
Jan said…
Wow!! Stunning photo!! Love her expressive eyes and vivid colors!!! Beautiful!!
This is a fantastic photo - I absolutely love it. Such vivid colours.

I don't have any 'actions', either... I'm too darn busy to learn photoshop! One day......
Jo said…
That really is way too cool! I need some of those tablets!! Awesome entry!!
Emily said…
That picture is fantastic, and absolutely *full* of texture. It looks like her hair is turning into a pool of ink!

I've never heard of colored bath tablets before, but rest assured, after this post I'm going to call *my* mom in America and ask her to send us some too! Thanks!
Mamí♥Picture said…
amazing....♥【ツ】 iLuv her eyes!
Tezzie said…
What an awesome pic...and really well done with the texures!! (I'm a newbie at them, myself...trying to learn :D)
-Tezzie (a Canadian living in Finland lol)
Andi said…
Gorgeous photo - love the colored water idea - great for kids in terms of getting them to take a bath!
Frizzy said…
Love the contrast of the color and how her eyes just pop out of the picture. Yaya loves those bath tablets too!
Karen said…
You know....your daughter is so beautiful. She looks like a mermaid. What a gorgeous picture.
That a beautiful picture and wow colored bath sounds like so much fun where does you mum get them from.

Stopping by for SITS
Valeria said…
Great shot! Love the idea! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Yukio said…
Colored bath tablets...very ingenius! Great job, the photo is spectacular!
Hey there! Great photo and very creative!
Corrie said…
love the color and love the different angle!
Laura said…
fantastic photo!
Lena said…
What a fun shot! I love it, and I absolutely must get some of those for my son.
Unknown said…
Oh my gosh. I LOVE this! Seriously. I didn't know what she was laying on until I read the post. That is too cool! You are very creative! LOVE that so much!
beautiful! love the texture and the perspective... my youngest daughter loves her bath tablets too :)

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