I ♥ Faces My Story In Photos: Places I Love

This week at i heart faces, the theme is MY STORY... places I love.
YEA! To save y'all 20 something years of pictures, I am going to skip to the romantic part... to the part where my viking asked me to be an American in Norway... : )

I met Ol'Blue eyes aka my Norwegian Viking Bjørn while we were sailing on Royal Caribbean's Monarch of the Seas... This was our first "home".

I still get "homesick" for Cruise Ships... I love being on the water...no matter how small the boat.

We bought our first real home in Norway but after a year on land we felt the need to go back to Sea... where we moved on to Seabourn's SPIRIT.....
This is outside of Santorini ,Greece still one of my FAVORITE islands... I was the crew purser.

Budapest... backpacking with girlfriends AFTER I had my kiddos

St.Petersburg, Russia one of my all time FAVORITE cities

nice thing about moving back to Europe... only a few short hours to some of the most romantic cities in the world...

BERLIN Wall...
I was in Berlin the summer after the wall fell... still have the little pieces I chipped off, somewhere in my basement. : )
This summer we took the kids around Europe & I had the chance to show them Germany, where mommy went to University (Frankfurt & Mannheim) - & where Grandpa's family is from
.. I LOVE Germany..the food, the WINE, the Bier, the nature.

PARIS.. *sigh* I love all things French...

Finally... the land of the midnight sun.
there is NOTHING like a nice Norwegian summer...

taking walks in NATURE.. or along the water...

I love the beach even in the winter...


Your faces photo and stories are great and I can tell you are well adjusted to the Norwegian climate when you even love a frozen beach :lol:

Did not know you met your Viking hero on a Norwegian cruise ship - how romantic - but then again, from the other pics; One can tell you're a globetrotter :-)

Happy Sunday evening and a great week ahead!
I am so jealous of all of your travels! I wish I had done some when I was younger. We keep joking that we are going to win the lottery and just travel the world for a year.

And on a photography side note...how did you do the watermark on your photo??
Roxane said…
I'm so glad I can travel through your blog! I would LOVE to visit St. Petersburg and Paris...one day!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
Wonderfully, inspiring photos. Inspiring for me to agree with with my husband that we should move to Scotland to be near his family. I'm torn but after seeing your photos makes me re-think. So fun to read how you ended up in Norway, I was late to the party! Thank you for sharing. ~ deb
Such a live you've led. I've envy you the adventure of travel. My husband and I up and left and moved here and there in the beginning, but stalled the last 20 years. Maybe when they all get through college we'll travel again?
What a great set of photographs! I really love the frozen lake (?) one (the second to last picture)!

Stopping by from SITS.

Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
Kelli Nørgaard said…
love love love the pics!! Especially you in Rome in your fancy cute boots! :o)
And for some reason the theme song from Love Boat is now stuck in my head.
Oksana said…
Life is full of surprises and adventures. I am so glad for you and your family, that you are travelling a lot. After any trip in another country or inside your own,you feel GREAT INSPIRATION.Thank you,that you noted and love one of the best russian cities St.Petersburg.It is amusing!!!If it will be another opportunity and wish visit Russia-You are welcome.... in Cheboksary,small russian Venice, on Volga river.
Thnak you for inspire me to buy today the ticket in Moscow.Wish you to explore more and more beautiful places in Norway and in the world.
Buckeroomama said…
Wow, some really awesome photos there! Santorini is on my list of places to visit. :)
Love all the places you have been and your pictures are amazing!
Frogmum said…
Wow - you have seen some amazing places ~ thanks for sharing them with us :D
Unknown said…
I loved this post! Your daughter is like a complete mini YOU! Wow.

I am so excited that everything worked out for communal global! Isn't that going to be the most fun thing ever? : )
MommyLisa said…
Location is a great feature in Norway.

Love the pictures.
Herself said…
The perfect romantic post to start off February!
jen@odbt said…
I hope to get to some of those amazing places one day. What adventures you've had.
Lena said…
Oh I love love love cruises too! Something about spending a full week sailing from one exotic location to the next is so alluring. (I think I'm meant to own a yacht)
Fabulous photos, I love the one with your kids and the eiffel tower. Your son looks very handsome in that beret.
I think I need to google this midnight sun business. Never knew of such a thing. But it looks amazing.
Those are such a beautiful pictures. I love to travel and see pictures of others. I love traveling through Europe.
Anonymous said…
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Unknown said…
oh you've been to so many cool places! :-) thanks for sharing!!
Julie H said…
Beautiful pictures!
Emily said…
What a story! I loved seeing your pictures from around the world.
Serline said…
I love cruises. Beautiful images!
Kerry said…
Great photos - love the huge shoulder pads! We overlap with St Petersburg too!
Suki said…
I didn't knew you studies in Mannheim. It is not very far from me.
So cool :)
Shelle said…
Your pictures are gorgeous! I am jealous of all of the places you have been!! I was only to Europe once (Spain) & would love to go back.

Hope you have a great day! Visiting from SITS!
Baby Sweetness said…
Beautiful! I love to travel and am so jealous - esp. of Santorini! I've only made it to Greece at times of bad weather (think snow at the Acropolis) and so haven't made it there. Desperate to! ONE DAY!
Dita said…
Wow...what amazing photos you have of your travels. How lucky you are to have so many wonderful memories together traveling the world's most beautiful places.

I remember fishing in broad daylight at 2am in the Land of the Midnight Sun. I'll never forget that experience.
You've some amazing photos.. cool..

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