RTT Random Tuesday Thoughts... YEA!

Time for Random Tuesday thought with Un Mom

Ya, I am posting this because I really want my children to have a reason to hate me one day.

I originally thought about posting this so you could hear the Nor-English spoken in the home... after watching it again, I realized Eva is speaking pretty much only Norwegian, Dane is speaking English & I sound like a winded cow trying to get up the hill....

( I know... nice visual)

Just to translate for Eva... she keep says "Because...I am POPULAR"... taken off of an episode of Hannah Montana B E F O R E we figured out how to switch the Disney channel to English ONLY... (pretty cool how our TV can set the languages eh?)

this was last year...Eva is speaking pretty much English only with me now... although we usually switch back & forth several time in a conversation.

Dane, well he doesn't talk to me at all anymore... I JOKE...but will no longer allow me to video tape him for fear that it will end up on youtube. HA.

Hope y'all have an awesome Tuesday.


satakieli said…
Hehe, that's cute.

You know I wish my son were old enough to pick up some German out here but he seems to have enough trouble with English!
Much prettier language than German! Your Eva is a cutie,they look so much older this year! Happy Tuesday!
Hans and Shinta said…
Hahahahaha..cute! =) Norwegian sounds a little bit like Faroese. Did you know that the first Faroese settlers were seasick Norwegian vikings on their way to Iceland? =D
Corinne said…
What a cute video! I'm totally jealous of your snakkering skills. You know me, I still have that gawdawful American twang, how do you sound like an ekte Norsk jenta?
Lisa said…
OH MY GOSH that was hilarious. I seriously laughed out loud. A few different times. Your daughter is adorable, man I miss kids! ;) She is going to love and hate you for that video later!

Jeg er også impornert med norsken din! Og litt lettet faktisk! Det er så bra å se at du har lært deg så godt! Good for you!
Lisa said…
ImPORNert was absolutely NOT what I meant to write HAHA. Imponert*! Man, I always make the kinkiest mistakes!
I just want to eat her up!!!
Batgirl said…
Wow! You sound like a local! And adorable video :-)
Stacy Uncorked said…
Your kids are so ADORABLE! I wish I remember enough Swedish to teach the Princess Nagger... :)

Random Tuesday Trivia
Shelly said…
Too cute. I love doing videos of the kids and then playing them back for them. They are still young enough to enjoy it.
annies home said…
they say children who can speak two languages are very well rounded and inteligent
Cajoh said…
I guess there are times when I wish I knew a second language. I tend to pick up accents very easily and would probably blend right in.

Thank you for your randomness,
Sues2u2 said…
Eva is adorable! I was laughing so hard in a good way of course. I could just see my Princess doing that too.

You do NOT sound like a winded cow, a cold mom perhaps but not a cow. So there!
Oh my word, that's too cute!!
Tina L. Hook said…
Your little girl is HYSTERICAL. Can we all go back to being little girls?
Kelly said…
OMG!! Eva is hysterical!!!! Cross country skiing looks like a lot of hard work to get notsofar....
Also looks freakin' cold!!!!
AiringMyLaundry said…
So very cute :)

Stopping by from SITS.
Mrs. M said…
Ah yes, someday my kids will too forbid me to video tape them! So I try to get it all in while they are young and have no idea what YouTube is! :)
Karen said…
Loved listening to Eva's voice. She has the cutest little voice.

....and not a winded cow. I think most people sound that way when the cold sucks the air out their lungs.
Julie H said…
I just watched that with the sound off since I have coworkers around me. All I can think about is how freaking cold it looks!
storyteller said…
How FUN! Isn't technology great allowing you to share this with us ... very kewl. I shared My Random Thoughts yesterday morning but didn't have a chance to visit because because I spent the day with my sister, so I'm playing 'catch up' today.
Hugs and blessings,

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