Black & White Wed.. Cheater... Cheater...

I am playing Black & White Wed. with Lisa over at The long road to China.
Once again I am "bending" the rules... but it seems like a pretty laid back group so I am sure they won't mind too much. : )
Are you wondering how I am CHEATING? - The photo... isn't
this is an UNTOUCHED COLOR photo... the shading in the corners of the photo is FOG hugging the trees....
So when I COMPLAIN of Grey days in Norway... at least you know I am not exaggerating


Lisa said…
Haha, I so know what you mean! :D I almost dropped my breakfast when I saw it was sunny on Monday!
I don't care if you is a beauiful photo!! I love how the ice is hanging from the trees.....beautiful!

Sarah Andrews said…
What an amazing capture!! That is a total grey day...hopefully the sun shines for you soon!
Sandy said…
What an absolutely beautiful picture. :)
Dita said…
I just found our blog from my friend Lisa's at Long Road to China....oh, GIRL, do we EVER have lots in common.

I met and carried on a whirlwind relationship with a Norwegian Boy (Tromso) for phone bills were in the $600+ range and I was traveling to Norway alone at 18, 19, 20 and experiencing the frozen tundra and midnight sun first hand. Those were some of the best times I've ever had (and they were more than 20 years ago.)

I maintain contact with him and so many of the friends I made there. I contemplated moving there but wound up moving to Amsterdam instead (long story) but ultimately came home and now am married with two sweet kids and a Colombian husband living in NJ.

I read your story of how you guys met and I smiled from ear to ear remembering my own meeting with a special NB in paradise (and recalling the crew bar!)

I'll be back here again and again to live vicariously through you wondering what my life would have been like had I chosen the path you did.

Great to meet you!

Lori said…
I had to look at it a few times..WOW. That is a beautiful photo and I don't care if it *technically* is not B&W!
Robin said…
WOW ... does it look cold! I love the ice hanging from the tree. I would have never guessed that wasn't a B&W.
Sues2u2 said…
Hmmmm, how can that be cheating when you've got the black, white & gray going for you? I say it's a winner! Yeah!!!!

For real. Hard to tell that it wasn't done using b/w film or photoshop. It truly is a beautiful photo.
That's a cool photo! As someone who lives where it is hot and sunny for a big portion of the year, I love the "gray."

I don't think you cheated. I think you thought outside the box.

Beautiful picture....oh I believe you and the greyness here is so dreary too.
Unknown said…
I think your cheating is excused :) Beautiful photo! That is one gray day. Found you through B&W Wed. Feel free to check out my blog... Nice to 'meet' you!
Anonymous said…
u have a great photo. even if it is not true black and white. thanks for sharing !
Lisa said…
Oh my gosh....incredible! Not cheating at all....truly a true black & white! Wow!

Over from Lisa's blog B&W Wed.
Denise said…
Wow, what an awesome shot!!
Wanda said…
It IS a gorgeous photo (even if it reveals the reality of your weather.)

We went up to the mountains (Canadian) a few weeks ago and I also didn't have to convert them. It was pretty grey there too.

Jo said…
I think your bending of the rules is actually quite lovely ~ it's a beautiful photo!

Batgirl said…
Love that photo! It's so easy to forget how beautiful it is outside when there's snow :-)
Brrrrrr! Love the photo! My great grandfather moved to the states from Norway. I have never been but would love to visit sometime, maybe in the summer!? ha
Brrrrrr! Love the photo! My great grandfather moved to the states from Norway. I have never been but would love to visit sometime, maybe in the summer!? ha
Anonymous said…
Grey days or not, that's a beautiful shot!
I absolutely love this gorgeous photo! Amazing!
Anonymous said…
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cat said…
Oh it's grey, but beautiful!
Unknown said…
No stinking way! I can't believe that it isn't black and white. And your world really is that gray... WOWZA!

How is lightroom working out? Do you like it? I can't wait to hear (and see) all of your adventures with it! I know you will rock it!
freckletree said…
wow, that is so . . . um . . . depressing?

not the photo, the photo is beautiful.

the grayness, of course.

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