Random Tuesday Thoughts...


Yippee Random Tuesday Thoughts... with the Un mom
Perfect... cause this week I am having a hard time putting anything other but RANDOM Thoughts together... (do I say this every week?)
Guess who lost 7 lbs over the weekend? my secret? the freaking FLU... amazing I lost so much weight seeing as I was unable to get out of the fetal position for 36 hours...
Guess who GAINED 7.5 lbs on Monday? ; )
I heard some pretty loud music coming out of Danes room the other night... I asked him what he was listening to -"BLACK SABBATH"
Ummm, I'm not real sure I want my 10 year old jamming out to Black Sabbath.
I told him I wasn't crazy about him listening to it... could he please switch....
Next song ... Judas Priest.. ? WTH? C H A N G E that MUSIC! ... Iron Maiden
I am having flashbacks to the EXACT SAME "CONVERSATION" involving The Butthole Surfers, Suicidal Tendencies,Sex Pistols & my mother.... sigh...
OMG... the thing driving me CRAZY these days...LOL..TMI.. are all of Dane's friends (including DANE) saying OMG, TMI, & LOL... but not like L.O.L ...
they say it as a word...LOL... like LOLLY... & T. M. EEEEEEEEE .
(the letter I sounds like E in Norwegian....) Really should'nt LOL..ROFL..TMI.. be saved for the computer?
I sound like an old fart.
I am FOR sure having a mid life crisis....
Not the kind of crisis where I would like to trade Bjørn in for a younger model...
lets be honest... If I were to go out & become a COUGAR I would have to drop about 30 lbs & shave my legs.. & I really can't be bothered...sigh.,..
But I am starting to wonder what I want to be when I grow up...
Sure, I like my job now. but it isn't what I want to do for the next 20 years....
But what do I want to do? Go back to school? ---
I downloaded Lightroom this week... WOW. Can you say WAY OVER MY HEAD?
I need to see if I can find a photography class in my area... something which will not conflict with the kids sports 4 nights a week & working/running a home etc.... : )
my BOSS loves Surprises...
LOVES 'EM. Me? -notsomuch. We are having our annual KICK OFF meeting next month... I received an email yesterday saying show up at the airport with a passport & a change of clothes.
HELLLOOO? . what kind of change of clothes? - jeans & hiking boots or heels & a dress?
I am guessing we are headed to London... but not sure... could be Stockholm.. its all good.
Random enough? - at least I didn't offend anyone this week...or did I?


Tezzie said…
Hey! Love the Random thoughts thing...should give it a try on my blog since most of the time I have trouble putting words together for them to make any sort of sense ;D

But, check it out...how's THIS for random?!:

I found your blog (what, yesterday?) TOTALLY by accident, randomly choosing sites through the iheartfaces texture challenge list and (in addition to loving your submitted texture photo, of course ;D) thought it was a fun thing to read about another N.American living in Scandinavia...plus I like how you write. I figured I'd "follow" and didn't give it much more thought....

Now here's the random weird thing: Today at school (I've gone back to school at a late stage in life to learn a career that I can both love and call a job; cabinet making/woodworking), I found out that I'm 1 out of 3 students chosen to go to Norway as part of a 4 day exchange program in February...wait for it...in MYSEN, ÖSTFOLD!

The weirdness and randomness of that, just blows me away...

Sorry...just thought I'd share ;D
Tezzie, CAD in Finland
I need to get back to participating in this!!!



Promise.. just mess around with it, it will get easier and easier!

So excited for you!

My 7 year old listens to Red Hot Chili Peppers... his dads fault!
You can download lightroom?? I have photoshop and have absolutley no idea as to what I am doing. I so need someone to hold my hand and show me what to do.

And how did Dane even find out about those groups??
Sues2u2 said…
Totally relate to Dane & you. It gets even more so as they get older. Lovely, eh?

Wow! I'll trade you on the meeting. Sounds like a blast. And going back to school isn't so bad if you don't mind the fact that the other people in your (okay my) class are young enough to be your (mine!!!) children!

How could you have offended anyone?
Helen McGinn said…
OMG, LOL! I can't STAND the text speak; my niece..."OMG, like LOL! My bad!". Aaaaargh! Go listen to some Pink Floyd, will ya??? ;O)

Who'd have thought it? Us cool chicks being all old skool...O.M.G!!!

Hope you are well, hon and feeling much better. xx
Karen said…
I love random thoughts. That is exactly the way my head works all the time.

Mid-life crisis.....there are a few of those going on around here right now. Hang in there.

Sorry you had the flu. Glad you are feeling better.
Kelly said…
It was so fabulous to talk to you the other day; I am so happy we were finally able to touch base!!!

Wow- Love your boss....meet me at the airport w/ your passport?!! how cool is that?!!!
Unknown said…
I love your random thoughts! You are fascinating : )
Laughing my head off about dropping 30 pounds and shaving your legs. Too funny!
SO excited you downloaded lightroom. I think you will like it. A lot of people I know JUST use that and don't use photoshop! I am so glad you can try it for a while! Have fun! Teach me stuff!
Re the 'what am i going to be doing for the next 20 years' - we are on the same page.....

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