Sunday in MY city...ok, town...

Time to play Sunday in my City with UNKNOWN MAMMI ... what a perfect excuse to post my pictures from this weekend...

I don't really live in a city...I live in a little Norwegian Town...or village if you will.
In the summer if becomes a beach get away for everyone from the "big" city Oslo...
& in the winter... we have lots & lots of cross country skiing & places to " tur" - go for walks... Norwegians LOOOOOVE to go for walks.

I am finally starting to love them too...especially when the sun is out no matter HOW COLD IT IS... today it was 8 f & darling boy & I managed to get in a 10 k.
(I say this like it it something we do often... just go for a little 10 k trot.... - first time... & might be a while before we do it again.)
For those of you who are new to American in Norway.. you will notice pretty fast that I like to take millions of pictures of my children & Norwegian nature... hope y'all enjoy -

No idea why the ice is brown- run off from the forest?

Another favorite thing to shoot is the Sky here in Norway... we always seem to get the most AMAZING colors... even Eva (my 5 year old grabbed a camera & started taking pitctures of the perfectly PINK sky...)

This is a shot from my 10 year old... & no, we didn't make the lovely HEART... (Eva was wondering how a dog could do that..hmmm.)
Don't let anyone ever tell you Norwegian men aren't ROMANTIC... : )


Joanna Jenkins said…
That looks REALLY cld but the kids look like they are having a great time! Thanks for sharing your city!

Happy New Year
Lisa said…
The picture with your son running and the dog is AWESOME. Great shot. GOD JUL og GODT NYTT ÅR!
I went for a walk in -20 weather - there was no way I was taking my hands out of my mittens to take photos! Kudos to you!
Unknown said…
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha HA! Oh my goodness that is so funny! Your pictures are GREAT! I love the snow on his eyelashes. How cool is that? And your daughter is so adorable. LOVE those sweet little pigtails. Totally lovely!

I love the sunset too. So, you ran 10 K with the kids? WOW. No wonder you are super skinny and GORGEOUS! I didn't run any where today out there. It is FRIGID here!
WOW That pic with snow on his lashes is amazing! You need to enter that in a competition somewhere. Your pics are always breathtaking!

I thought of you yesterday! We went to eat at a local dive and they had a sign up talking about celebrating the food of the Norwegian Food Festival. Itlooked yummy!
Cristin said…
Awesome photos. Gorgeous.

And that heart in the snow... too funny.
Lori said…
The pink sky is incredible! I love it! I would be taking a million pics of a sky that looked like that too! Thanks for sharing!
Matty said…
I hate the cold weather, but I love your pictures. It looks inviting.
Sandy said…
Beautiful pictures of your children. :) Oh, I wish I could see the sky when it is that pink.
Jemma said…
Pretty pictures! I love it too when the sky is pink and the "blue hour" rolls along! We also went for plenty of walks while we were in Norway as well. It was damn cold. My sister in law was telling me how her daughter (who is 5 by the way) has to get bundled up for all day (7 hour) outdoor days where they just stay outside all day in the 7 degree weather. I tell you, those people are dedicated to the cold! :-) Hope you are doing well, HNY!
Sonya said…
Beautiful photos!! The sunset is so pretty and the heart is great too! lol When I moved to the netherlands I noticed people really got out and walked and biked everywhere..I enjoy the walks too but Im betting you get more of the nature walks without 500 other people trying to enjoy the small patch of wooded area along with
Unknown said…
For the record... we WALKED the 10k... me running anywhere? --- puhlease...but maybe one day
Alicia said…
oh my gosh those pictures are great!! and that heart...hilarious!! i would love to go to norway one day...we have good friends from lillehammer and they always sing norway's praises! cute blog!! thanks for coming by mine!
The Blonde Duck said…
With those lashes, you should call!
Katinka said…
wonderful pictures. Looks SO cold. I love it though. :)
Anonymous said…
What fantastic photos! :)
Sues2u2 said…
Okay, so the heart one had me lmbo & if I drank coffee it would have been all over my screen! Especially w/ your comment about Norwegian men being romantic. HA,HA,HA

The rest of the photos are just simply wonderful. And good for you & Dane for doing a 10k. Way to go!!!
LadyFi said…
It looks cold and gorgeous... and what a pee-ferctly romantic heart!
Skogkjerring said…
Didn't quite get who peed the heart but that was hillarious! Your kid's eyes are SOOOOO BLUE...gorgeous! And yeah- the winter skies have been outstanding lately...should get even better if that -40 hits Østlandet like they say it will...
And walking- girl- I'm walking in the DARK in THE FREEZING COLD now- that tells ya how Norwegian I've become...hahahaha...but I had to be dragged out of the house- that was the American in me...hehehehe..
Anonymous said…
Stopping by from SITS! What great kid pictures and the pink sky is beautiful!
The pictures are beautiful, your children are gorgeous, the pee pee heart is something I've never seen.
Kacie said…
I do so love your photography, and your bouncy personality. Your blog is fantastic.
Kacie said…
I do so love your photography, and your bouncy personality. Your blog is fantastic.
Kacie said…
I do so love your photography, and your bouncy personality. Your blog is fantastic.

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