Friday Foto Fiesta..Once upon a time

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! (I KNOW it isn't Friday there YET...but it is ALMOST FRIDAY here...& I am cheating a bit this week...)

YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again .
So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

OK, so as you may have gathered I am in a rather POOPY MOOD... so as I pop my 2 midol & call it a night, i thought I would share one of my "HAPPY PLACES" with you...

Once upon a time...for two wonderful years, this was my home.... (not the island, but yes, this is Santorini,Greece to where I often dream about running away ...) the ship SEABOURN SPIRIT...

I LOVED this ship.... I worked my tail off, but had the BEST TIME.... I met some of my bestest friends in the whole world on this ship... I visited some of the most amazing places on this boat... I had someone cook for me & clean my cabin.... press my uniforms.... I would lay out on the Sun Deck & drink pina colada's before my afternoon shift....

& on some grey miserable Norwegian days (like today...) I would give my right arm to go back to live in my HAPPY PLACE.... it better to have loved & lost than to have never loved at all....
Would I go so stir crazy NOW, if I hadn't had so much fun before?

Update on today.... the old teacher at the preschool made me CRAZY AGAIN...UGH....
but the GOOD news is.... My haircut turned out GREAT... I am very happy... (I will make Dane take pictures of my "do" this weekend...) i paid 2'x's as much, but at least i don't look like HE-MAN, master of the Universe....


MsTypo said…
I've never been on a cruise before. What an interesting job that must have been. :)

Sorry to hear that the Teacher of Doom is still being a pain. :( At least you have a good haircut to make you feel better. :)
Oh my GOSH! That sounds so GREAT! What lovely memories. I want to be on a cruise or out in the sun right about now. Sigh. What a dreary day. Blech. I am really really missing the sunshine.

Ooh, yes, post pics! I love a good haircut. Cheers!
Suzanne said…
Tressa - Are you aware that the Seabourn Spirit is the cruise ship that was just attacked by pirates off the coast of Somalia???

The pic of Santorini makes me want to book a trip there tomorrow.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Cristin said…
I've never been on a cruise... It looks so beautiful!!! Jealous!!!
Ronda's Rants said…
Oh My God do I love to be cruisin'
I think it would be my dream job too!
My Hubby and I have decided we would rather spend our retirement on cruise ships than on anything in the world...we love the experience!
Beautiful picture!
Skogkjerring said…
The great thing is, you aren't dead yet, so there is a strong chance you could return to your happy place someday and work?? I know women who work out at sea on oil rigs and such and they manage to combine this with family life, it's not for everyone but might be a possibility?
Can't wait to see the new-do you are gorgeous from before, so you are probably a knock out now!
Have a great weekend!!
Beautiful Pic! You have been to some of the most amazing places. I love to read your blog!

Happy Friday!!
Aim said…
what a beautiful photo.
Cammie said…
That is so cool! I think that would be such a neat job to do back in the old single days....
happy friday!
Jen said…
I've never been on a cruise ship... but it sounds wonderful! The picture is just gorgeous!
Mary Ellen said…
Okay, that photo is amazing and I would kill (or at least maim) to be there right now.

I have friends who have worked the cruise ship scene, and loved it.

I think this teacher you talk about has issues. Big issues. I bet you could push her right over the edge if you wanted...she'd crack like a walnut.

Just sayin'.
Linda said…
Wow!! I bet that was the time of your life!!
I would love to go to Greece....
Debz said…
Glad your spirits are up some and YAY! for your new 'do. Can't wait to see the pics.
Susie said…
That a gorgeous picture and a great memory:-)
Jennifer said…
Oh I'll bet you had a blast on that ship!! That pic is so pretty! And yay for a great haircut--I need one myself!!
Gramma 2 Many said…
What a great picture. What special memories you must have.
On a side note, can you just imagine the fix we would be in it the World voted for OUR PRESIDENT!!! She does not even deserve your emotions or reaction.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
the pic rocks!!!

And I cannot wait to see the new do!
Lizzie said…
you lucky duck! :)
debi9kids said…
That looks so lovely.
You are so is better to have loved and lost :)

Happy Friday and hope you feel better tomorrow.
Mammatalk said…
I always envied the little girl on The Love Boat. At least you had the experience. Me? I only have Love Boat re-runs!

Great pic.
michelle hays said…
hey there american in norway. I know Ive just met you, but i awarded you "baddest mommy blogger award" in my blog. Dont worry, i didnt tag you or anything. I Just recognized your greatness.
RBK's Realm said…
I love reading about your life in Norway and on the ship. I have never been on a cruise but am hoping to remedy that soon.

I truly enjoy your blog as I am learning about differetn parts of world through your posts.
Debie Napoleon said…
This must be good haircut week, you are about the fifth one blogging about it - me included.

P.S. Any cruise ship is my happy place too.
Cammie said…
you are TAGGED in my blog today. Come and play!!
Tiff said…
Wow it sounds like you have really lived a wild life...the places you have lived and seen how cool...I hope to travel one day...for now I am stuck in this small town the pics!!! :)
Awesome picture!'ve been tagged **runs away giggling**
larkswing said…
I have never been on a cruise, kinda scared it will be spent with me trying not to focus on my motion sickness!

That is an awesome picture...glad you have a happy place to go to when you need one!
WheresMyAngels said…
Oh that is such a pretty picture. Can't wait to see your new cut (hint hint).
Ash said…
What an incredible experience!!

I admire your sense of adventure. I wish I would have tried a little more before marriage and mommyhood.

Maybe in my next life!
scargosun said…
I am JUST catching up. I think you need to post regularly about that silly teacher. It makes us laugh and then tell you what an idiot she is. ;)

LOVE the pic! It's funny b/c P and I were in Santorini in 04 and as soon as I saw the pic I knew where the ship was. Lucky you to go to all those great places!
Jill said…
Okay - still waiting to see the haircut!!

And I'm embarrassed to admit that I've never been on a cruise. Maybe one day we'll take the girls!
KimmyJ said…
Are you ok over there? We miss you - I hope the haircut wasn't THAT bad! :)
Frizzy said…
Can't wait to here your story of your meeting. AM sooo envious of your time on that ship. GREEN EYED GIRL sitting here!
Jen said…
I would love to be on a lovely boat such as that right now. *sigh* Heaven.
Laural Out Loud said…
I wanted to work on a cruise ship after I graduated from college, but other things in life happened, and I stayed on the mainland. You'll have to tell us more stories from your travels!
binks said…
But other that teacher terror, being a mom is a tough and rewarding job, right?
Who am I trying to kid? What wouldn't I give to be able to travel and sunbathe with the best of them?

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