REFELECTIONS .... To be considered as a winner for this week's challenge, your photo needs to have a reflection of a face in it (Kids - a child's face; Adults - an adult's face.) Be creative ~ the reflection can be in a mirror, glass, water....or any other way you can think of to show a reflection of the beautiful face you photograph! I know this isn't much of a FACE shot... but it is ME reflected in my daughters eye.... I was pretty excited when I saw this yesterday.... This was a so so shot of my daughter... taken at the beach on Sat. BEFORE I ♥ Faces,... I probably would have deleted the shot.... but when I looked closer... I saw my reflection.... I have seen so many cool shots others have done on I♥ faces, where I was just amazed by the subjects eyes... I never realized how easy it is to look in them & see something... So thank you I♥ faces for teaching me something cool! So head on over to I Heart Faces , & see who else is playing! Here is my "baby...
And, um, good luck with the laundry! Oy.