What's up?! Need ideas

Full speed over here...

Baby boy is at AMERICAN Camp in Oslo... & having a BLAST.. I hope he remembers to take loads & loads of pictures ...

This is the first time to be away from us (not counting grandparents) & seems to be doing welll....

Birthday planning is ON...

Eva's 5th birthday is next MONDAY...

When did she get soo big?

Guess what kid of b-day party we are going to have?

Monday is also our our wedding anniversary... & I am CLUELESS...what to do?

I hate to blow it off A G A I N.... But kindda impossible to go out - when it is also your kids b-day----

Neither of us want or NEED anything.... So what to do? Any cute ideas or suggestions...


Sometimes for anniversaries it's the little things that make a big difference. I'm a big fan of cards with meaningful notes (not the standard, "love ya, babe!" stuff). : )
Unknown said…
What if you made a special dinner and lit candles and had pretty music playing and ate it with the kids? :)
I think that we all need to bow before you and your photoshop skills. I am so impressed. I need a tutorial :-)

And for the anniversary - we just do a boring night out - like dinner and a movie...
Roxane said…
Wow that's a great invite! Maybe a picnic with the hub?
Marsha :o) said…
For the anniversary...after you put Eva to bed, grab a travel book (or go online) with hubby and plan your dream vacation together (whether you go on it or not, it is still romantic.)

For Valentine's Day, I hate going out to a resturant. Its just to crowded. So my husband and I set up a picnic on the floor with finger foods.
Jemma said…
I agree with Kat, what a cute invitation,I am sure that blew the neighbors socks off! My friends once for their anniversary set a ridiculously low limit for presents- something like the equivilent of 5 USD and it was really cute what thez got each other. He got her a goldfish and she got him a lucky bamboo plant. Maybe that is an idea which forces creativity and is a bit out of the box? You have a busy week ahead, good luck!!
sues2u2 said…
Some friends of hubby & I go out w/ their kids. His reason is that part of why they got married was to have kids so why not include them in the celebration? They did celebrate alone later. *wink*
The housewife said…
Sushi! I'll babysit and you and Bjørn can go out for sushi etc and fetch the children the next morning.

Or you can just stay at home and finish off a bottle of wine......
Kelly said…
I'm catching up....I love all the pics from the vacation. I'm happy that everyone had a great time (my kids would have been tied up and crying by day 5....did I just admit to that?!).

Such fond memories of our time in Bavaria!!

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