Day 3-4 Tropical Island Berlin

So on to days 3-4

about 60 KM south of Berlin is this little GEM...

TROPICAl ISLAND ... My pictures just don't do it justice... it is an old Zepplin hanger which has been converted into "Tropical Islands" Warm water... white sandy beaches... special roof so that you can still get a tan while you are inside... spa's, shops...restaurants & nightly entertainment...

Tropical Island is HUGE.
High enough to fit the statue of liberty & long enough for the eiffel tower lying down.
We were so early in the season that is wasn't crowded... & another cool thing... it is opened 24 hours a day! ...the first day we managed to hang in there until about 11 pm. the kids were in & out of the water for almost 13 hours...& STILL weren't ready to say good night.

We camped here right outside of the "hanger"... (the TiPi pictures in my previous post are from Tropical islands...) - our "tipi" looked pretty small next too them...but I thought it was a funny shot after I made such a big deal out of having to sleep in a "tipi"

(to give you an idea of how massive this place is, the balloon <---- is carrying people up into the top of the dome.)

Tropical Islands also has a full Rain forest.

Without doing a full on PR spot for Tropical Islands, I would HIGHLY reccommend it if you are in the Berlin area... or anywhere in the frozen north... The camp gound was CLEAN..FRIENDLY, HELPFUL. & a pretty good value. If you stay at Tropical you get 2 days park passes for the price of one...

it was a great start to the family vacation.... We left beautiful SUNNY/WARM Berlin area for RAINY/ WET..BAVERIA....


sues2u2 said…
That looks like a blast! Makes me almost want to go camping in a tipi just so that I can go there. Either that or just go back to Germany.
Hayley said…
I linked over here from The Mother Of All Trips, and I have to say: This is the most amazing thing I've seen all day. What I'd give to hop a plane right now so I could camp in a zeppelin's garage ...
Skogkjerring said…
Youk know I've read about this place in a magazine and it looked amazing! How cool you experienced it and had positive experiences there. I definitely have it on our list of To Do for the future...
Bet you could have just left the kids there and picked them up on the way home from the sounds of it!!!
Oh...that looks so very cool. I can't get over the perspective on how huge it must be! How crowded was it??
Jill said…
Wow... that is one cool looking place! Really? You can still get a tan there? How funky. :)
Corinne said…
What a relief you caught it before the season rush! It looks like a totally awesome place. If they have swim-up bars I'm sure Sverre would be sold!
Roxane said…
How cool is that!! In indoor tropical island, no risk of skin cancer or bad weather lol
Rune said…
That looks so cool:)

Great pictures.

Frizzy said…
I finally am able to see your post! YEAH! What an incredible place. Why hasn't this been on the travel channel? SOOOO cool!
Anonymous said…
Alls I can say Is "Wow"...How awesome was that! and totally jealous....I did so miss your writings while you were gone, but to ease my pain I was off for two weeks myself..just not as Wow as your trip..but enjoyable none the less...I love the picture of your daughter in the officer hat...How BEAUTIFUL is that!....Can not wait to see more and read more of your trip...I will live though you...sigh..such is life..:O
Mary Ellen said…
I MUST get out of the house - er, I mean - COUNTRY more often!
That is SOOOOOO cool! K I want to go there just to go there now.
LadyFi said…
Wow - what a cool place! My kids would be in there 24/7!
Kelly said…
What a neat place!! I'm glad you put that hot air balloon pic in because the pictures don't truly show how massive this place must be. If only this place had been around or you knew about it when you were in Mannheim for a year shivering in the cold dreariness :)

Your kidlets and hubby have taken after their Mamma/wife and are so photogenic...haven't seen a bad pic yet....this is what I am green with jeolousy about...I have not had a good pic of myself for about 10 years :)
BenLand said…
how cool is that?!!!

looks beautiful!
Lizzie said…
that looks so freakin' AWESOME! i lived in Germany for a bit, why did i not know about this??? well dear hope your vacation continues to go well :)
Lizzie said…
ok, just read the below post WELCOME HOME! :)
Anonymous said…
Wow that place is cool! I wanna go!
Anonymous said…
OMG...did not even know that a place like that existed in the world. Too cool!!!
leanne said…
this is the best place ive ever been to and ive been so many times.i drive there all the way from england twice a year and its worth it. its just like being on,a real tropical island. everything they say about it is 100% ha e not lived unless you have me ud lOVE it

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