Days 5-6 Untersberg - Austria

I know... too many pictures on this post... but we really had a good time & I just had to share....

On our way between Salzburg & Berchtesgaden.. we stopped in the town of Gartenau to take the cable car up to the top of UNTERSBERG---

Check out the stream... its this color because of all of the minerals...

1776 m to the station on top... WOW

(I don't normally have a fear of heights... but found myself wondering what I would do if the cable snapped..

both of my children have a "thing" about collecting rocks from where ever we go.... Oh yes... mommy carried this little gem all of the way home...

There is a peak on this Mt. which reaches over
19oo m.
Bjørn & I decided against going to the top... (sheer laziness-) but Dane wanted to go...
I, of course said NO...
but was out voted by the boys... Dane made the trek alone with my camera.
(the reason I have no pictures of him on the top)

But he took this one of us from the top ... What a little trooper he was.. he is always amazing me... WOW
(do I look fat in this picture?)

View from the top... the white river...

The Griswolds on tour....

View from the top... We made it.. Yea!


Kelli Nørgaard said…
those views are BREATHTAKING!!!!!!
Corinne said…
When you lettin' me come over?? We're out of town at the hytte next weekend (7th I believe?) but no plans for any other weekend.
Vodka Mom said…
those are just BREATHTAKING!!!

I love to see pictures of places that I can only IMAGINE going to. thank you.
Lizzie said…
what great shots! it looks wonderful :)
Amy said…
Wow, these pictures are amazing. What an unbelievable view!
Frizzy said…
Do I look fat in this picture? You are too funny girl! Love the pics all of them.
LadyFi said…
Love those views - stunning!
sues2u2 said…
Those are some amazing photos! And, nope, didn't see any fat. lol
Batgirl said…
Great photos! LOL to the "do I look fat"! :-)
Rune said…
Loooks like you have had a great vacation:)

Great pictures

The housewife said…
Beautiful photos! Such wonderful memories to have :)
Meg said…
Wow, I'm so jealous of all the sites you get to see. Living abroad is such a wonderful experience. I did it single and without kids, so I can't imagine what it's like with an entire family. It looks amazing.
Stopped by from SITS :)
Hi dropping by from SITS too. There are never too many photos. Photos are the BEST!
Jill said…
Beautiful, beautiful photos... loved the family portrait!! You have a very photogenic family. xx
LJensen said…
I Married a Dane
Yes, like you, I traveled across the sea and I married a Dane (or insert the appropriate Scandinavian country of origin). Although we live in the US now, my little family hopes to return to Denmark in the future and I started looking to see what kind of support there maybe there now. I came across the Danish Expat Bloggers and first began reading Kelli and Mads blog, as we have a lot in common. Then I followed the links and found your blog as well. I have been reading your blog (and others in your little group of Scandinavian based expats) for quite a while now and I had the nagging feeling that I needed to speak up and introduce myself. I have gladly followed your adventures with envy, as I really miss Denmark and have loved following the trials and tribulations of your journey to the place that does such a great job of raising wonderful husbands…After all, the main we thing we have in common is our love for our Vikings! Don’t they just make the world’s best husbands??????
The first thing I do when I log on the computer is start with Kelli’s blog and work myself around the list and visit your blogs, and it has become quite stalker-ish, so I really need to let myself be known now…I know so much about your lives and you don’t know I even exist!
My name is Lynette Jensen, my husband is Benny and our 13 year old daughter is Loryn. We live in Louisiana, in a rural area near my parents. Loryn attends the same small Pre-K to 12 school where that my father and I both graduated. Benny lived his first 27 years in the Sydhavn area of Copenhagen. My In-laws still live there. He lived in an apartment near Valby parken, until he bought a house just a few steps from Greve Strand just a short walk from Hundige Storcentre. That is where I called home when I lived in Denmark. After we married he sold it all and came to live with me in my home on the Cajun Prairie.
I hope that you will include me in your expat group, as I‘d love to know someone that has faced the same trials the next time we visit (or move back to) Denmark. I’ve written a full introduction on my blog, I hope you follow my blog and comment so we can get to know one another. For those that are not American, (or even those who are) I’d love to explain how we live in Cajun Louisiana, and how we struggle to have a Danish household complete with rugbrød, frikadelle ,kartoffel og smørrebrød in a land of crawfish, gumbo, rice and gravy. I’d also be happy to share recipes for some good Cajun food.
Please come to
and meet my Danish-American family in Cajun Country! I also have several years of family photos but most importantly a documentation of our last trip back “home” to Denmark.
P.S. I’m
Lynette Litteral Jensen
on Facebook! Can I be your friend?
beaverboosh said…
your bum like fine...
Anonymous said…
Those pics are all beautiful! What a trip!!!
Mammatalk said…
Gorgeous! I can only dream....
Wisconsin Girl said…
I came here through Frizzy's site. She is a very good friend of mine that I met in Italy when we lived there for a few years at the same time that she did. So as I'm sure she has told you before, seeing your pictures brings back so many wonderful travel memories. I saw this post about you in Austria and just had to leave a comment! My husband and I LOVED Austria...heaven on Earth we often said. Absolutely beautiful. It was about a 4 hour drive to Salzburg from where we were. I think we scoured the area between northern Italy and southern Austria and loved every mile (oops, I mean kilometer!) of it! Thanks so much for sharing the pics!
Melodie said…
I love looking at your blog,you have great picts! I have been to Norway twice and think it is one of the most beautiful places. I would love to be there now it is horribly hot in Texas this year !

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