Guten Morgen! Greetings from Germany/Austria

Hey yall!

I thought I would be able to write more often... but unable to get an internet connection. I have loads & loads of pictures I will bore you all with when we get home....

I am LOVING this whole camping thing... REALLY... WAY different then camping when I was a kid...

We started the trip in Berlin... 2 days in Tropical Island.. & decided to high tail it down to Austria last night so we could really enjoy our time in the Alps... Bad move....

Can you say R A I N... & lots of it. We stayed in a hotel last night... because the thought of trying to dry everything out was not appealing...

Checked the forcast & looks like rain for the next few days...bummer... so the question now is do we tough it out or head on over to the French Rivera?..... We will have to decide something this afternoon...

I so wish I could post pictures of the kidlets... they are having a B L A ST... both have made German Friends.. & are trying their best to learn a little German.

Oh & the TIPI not soo bad... I thought we might stick out like a sore thumb, but my oh my...
we got nothing on some of these professional campers... WOW..

I will write when I can... wish us luck & sunny skies... I am off to have a yummy breakfast & teach my babies to yodel!


Jill said…
Wishing you a WONDERFUL vacation! Look forward to seeing your photos when you return.

Speaking of which... I head back to India in about 36 hours. Wish me sanity. :)
Corinne said…
Wonderful to hear that it's working out! We've got rain rain rain here in Oslo, so I'm comisserating with you. I can't wait to see pictures, too!
Looking forward to seeing your pics! : )
Sounds like all is well so far...we are on an old school american road trip and hit a pot hole that broke 2 rims on our car and 2 flat tires...CRAZY!!!!!

Can't wait for the pictures!!!
Unknown said…
Post pictures soon! I want to go!!
LOL... I can't WAIT to hear everything from this trip! Sounds like something from the adventures of the OSWALD'S!!!
Angie's Spot said…
How fun!! I can't wait to live vicariously through the many pics I'm sure you'll share with us. Have a great time and yodel something for us! :-)
Sounds like SO MUCH FUN!!!!

I can't wait to see all the pictures!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
cannot wait to see the pics and hear a video clip of the yodelers!
Jen said…
glad that you are having a good trip.
Kelly said…
So happy for the update! I am glad you're surviving just fine. Can't wait to see pics....
PiNG aka Patti said…
Ooo fun! Can't wait to hear all the stories.
Mary Ellen said…
So glad you're having fun - although rain on vacation isn't good - and I should know.

Can't wait to see the pix!
I'd go with the French Riviera. And by teach them to yodel, do you mean the Hostess Cupcake kind? I'm in.
Cristin said…
bummer about the's been nonstop here.. but it sounds like you're having fun anyway... can't wait to see pics!
Batgirl said…
Glad to hear you're all having fun! :-) Camping isn't what it used to be, alright.
Unknown said…
I can't wait for you to post photos! You won't be boring this reader at all! ;)
Karen said…
Looking forward to your pictures!! Sorry about the rain.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Woo-hoo! Sounds like a fabulous time. Can't wait to see the photos!
beaverboosh said…
Hey Blogging Fawn, great to hear you are having a great time, esp the TIPI... yodelling eh! Cool!
Linda Sue said…
LOVE your son's blog!
sues2u2 said…
Sounds like y'all are making lots of fun memories. Have a great time!

Man, I have soooo totally missed tons! Love your new china. It's gorgeous!!!
Lizzie said…
glad it's going well. have fun!
The housewife said…
Lol sounds like a hole load of fun!
Vodka Mom said…
camping??? and in the RAIN?? You are some kind of woman, girl!!

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