Blog Hop... Favorite Kids Photo...

I found this today...
the weekly Blog HOP... HOW FUN!

This week is my favorite kids photo...

I love this photo of Dane in Paris last week, for sooo many reasons...

1.) I LOVE the BERET... I love that he wore the Beret the entire time we were in PARIS eventhough we didn't see anyone else in the city wearing one....

(we both love the movie European Vacation, & I joked about getting us all berets...I didn't know he was serious... )

2.) I love him just soaking in everything about PARIS.

3.) & I love that he LOVED Paris... can't wait to take him back

MckLinky Blog Hop

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K said…
that is soooo cute. isn't great to get so much joy from our child's joy!?
Anonymous said…
Oh he's too adorable for words!!!
Lizzie said…
i love this picture! i totally thought about chevy chase too :)
sues2u2 said…
What a sweet pix. It's not often as our boys get older that we get to see them that way.
the beret is priceless. i just love that!

how fun, paris! ooh la la!
the brown couch said…
Here from the MckLinky Blog Hop...please come over and visit me.


and at

Unknown said…
That is great. I agree with keesha. It is awesome to find joy in our kids
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Fact: You have a totally cool kid!
Corinne said…
Dane looks great in that beret! Hope he's having fun at camp!
Rune said…
Cute picture:)

Cristin said…
He's gorgeous! And totally rocks the Beret.
That beret rocks on Dane!!! I want to go to Paris!!
Anonymous said…
Great picture! I also thought of that movie right off the bat. I hope Paris was wonderful. I love that city.
Unknown said…
Oh, I just adore this picture to pieces! WOW!
Jen said…
that is a great photo.
BenLand said…
that is awesome :)

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