Day 5 Berchtesgaden, Germany - the Eagles Nest

After leaving Berlin we decided to drive straight to Berchtesgaden....due to the rain we ended up stopping a before we got there & stayed in a hotel.... not what we had planned, but still...NICE.. we had made it BAVARIA... (I will state this over & over... I LOVE Germany...& really love BAVARIA...)

The entrance into the mountian leading up to the Eagles Nest...

Dane was in absolute AWE...
the view...the history...

After climbing up to the top we went back to the historic building which houses a restaurant serving traditional Bavarian food.... for hot chocolate & good German beer for mommy & daddy..

(Have I mentioned my love for German Beer?)

This is the only picture I have of the little princess in front of the Eagles Nest....

We bounced between Berchtesgaden & Salzburg for the next couple of days.... We ended up going back to the Documentation Center Obersalzberg (below the Eagles Nest)
it opened in 1999 to explain the role of the area in the Nazi regime. Unfortunately, virtually all the information is in German only, although the photos and videos are graphic. English audio guides are available.
Of more interest is the bunker complex that was constructed to protect the leadership during air raids. A vast complex of tunnels gave access to the outlying properties.

HEY a big ol' shout out to the COLLINS family from Laredo, Texas... thanks for keeping it classy!

Nothing screams UGLY AMERICAN like writing all over the walls of a museum.... :)
I will post more pictures of our trip to Berchtesgaden tomorrow


Liz said…
I live in Bavaria right now! :) We were just in Berchesgaden in the beginning of May - we were a week early for the Eagle's Nest - we didn't know you couldn't go up there until May 15th - summer hours! We absolutely loved it there - check out my blog from May, you'll see the pics! :) We love it in Bavaria and it is always so nice to hear other people adore it as much as we do - good beer, good food, beautiful views and landscape and so, so, so much history. Glad you had fun!
Anonymous said…
HAHAHA....I love your last comment!

Ok, so I'm so jealous. I would love to visit that place. I can't tell you how many times I have watched Band of Brothers and how I would love to visit those places. Especially Austria because they said it was even more beautiful there.

I visited parts of Germany a few years ago and it is truly one of the most beautiful countries. Ironic that such ugliness took place there. But every country has its story I guess!
The housewife said…
Amazing photos T. Love visiting historical places.
Sarah - Kala said…
Sugar alert: You are the most handsome family!!! I am enjoying your holiday posts!! Pretty pictures!!
sues2u2 said…
We never made it there although my parents did while they were waiting on my son. Long story.

I'm so hoping that we can take Nikolas back to his birth land. I love your photos!
Corinne said…
You guys look like you were having a great time. Beer is good, but German beer/Bavarian beer is really good! Yum!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
your pics are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
BenLand said…
wow....those pictures took my breath away...they are absolutely gorgeous......i want to go to bavaria!!!!!

(love the good old american graffiti tacky)
Lori said…
I am also in awe. Those pics are amazing!
Love your photos....You have a great blog.

Have a Happy Day!
Tammy On the Go said…
I must come back and read this all the way...
The Blonde Duck said…
Oh Lord. Why did they have to give us Texans a bad name?
Frizzy said…
The Eagle's Nest was one of my first trips when we moved to Italy. My new friend and I took an all day trip there and to Salzburg. It was amazing! The lake below is so clear too. Did you go out on it and listen to the horn echo off the mountains? One of the highlights of my trips. Bird and I would retire to Austria in a heartbeat if we could afford it.
Lacy Kline said…
I'm so envious, one of my goals when we get to Europe is to go to Germany and see all these sites! What great family memories and wonderful pictures!
副収入 said…
セレブラブ said…
裏バイト said…
救援部 said…
野外露出 said…
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モバゲー said…
As a final taste of Germany, Berchtesgaden represents a superb last course, combining a major element of twentieth century history with an area of intense and lasting natural wonder.

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