Home again home again..Where to start? DAY 1

I have been writing my blog -in - my- head- for the past two weeks.... but when it comes down to it...eek...where do I start?
Break it down day by day?-- a list of do's & don'ts or just lots & lots of pictures?

OK--- Let me just start by saying I am sooo very proud of myself & my non camping family.... WE MADE IT.

We actually camped 10 out of the 14 days away... I had a blast... & except for being cold...(FREEZING my tail off... I loved it.) The camping grounds we found, by pure LUCK were awesome... the ones in Northern Germany were the best... & I would do it all again.

What I learned this trip.... We are NOT ready to sign up for a stint on the "Amazing RACE"..
-although I am sure we would make for some pretty fun/pathetic TV. We would lose on the first leg...

My children ROCK!

We CAN live without TV/Cell Phones/Internet for 2 weeks.

traveling with your family...children..husband is NOT the same as backpacking with your girlfriends when you were in college...

I planned WAY too much for us to do. Bjørn & I figured our pretty early on, I had tried to stuff way too much into our 2 weeks away.

NEXT time... we will pick a destination & take our time. The moving camp almost every day wore us all out....

Lets start with the TI PI.... You know I was a bit worried about sticking out with our TI PI... (Norwegian LAVAA...) turns out there was nothing to worry about...

no one even noticed....

Seems Tipis are all the RAGE this year!

Day 1....

Took off EARLY & drove through Sweden & Denmark....

Made really good time... Bjørn & I had our first argument over the "other" woman... the GPS - who would end up dictating our trip MOST OF THE way... We made it into Germany early evening & LUCKED out with an AWESOME campground..

CLEAN.. friendly... playground & a BIERGARDEN... what more can you ask for... Dane made some nice German friends ...

First stop BERLIN... We managed to see Checkpoint Charlie, the remains of the wall & Brandenburg Gate... I had my first & BEST schnitzel of the trip.

After about 5 hours of walking around the city we took off to go to TROPICAL ISLAND... which is about 60 km south of Berlin.

We had an AWESOME time in Berlin.... what I would do different NEXT time....
print out a city map. Park the car by a metro & get a day pass.... use the public transport to get to all of the sites....
by the time we found everything the kids were WORN out... ok... so were Bjørn & I...


sues2u2 said…
Sounds like a blast! And can I just say that my family is looking @ me like I'm an idiot after I burst into laughter looking @ all of the other tipis?!!!

Love the photos.
All I can remember about camping with my family when I was a kid was sand in my sleeping bag. And rain!

Your trip sounds so wonderful. What a great experience for you guys!

I love the TI PI!
Jen said…
looks like an awesome time!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I love that you would do it again...the camping part, that is!! HOW VERY COOL!! Germany sounds awesome....cannot wait for post #2!
Corinne said…
LOVE the picture of Eva wearing the (commie?) hat, leaning against the pole. Gorgeous shot, you have such a great eye, I'm so jealous. Glad to hear the camping turned out okay. Looks like I'll have to take down Lessons Learned and file them away in case Sverre ever wants to take off on a European Road Trip.
LadyFi said…
Welcome back! And my goodness - you did a lot - such a lot! Definitely take it easier next time.. But how cool is it that you all loved camping!
Batgirl said…
Great photos! Welcome home! I can't believe there were that many tipis! Amazing - and looks really cool :-)
The housewife said…
Great photos - looks like a really fun trip :)
Jill said…
Love your photos!!! So glad you're back... Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures! xx
beaverboosh said…
Hey girl, great to hear about your holiday! Makes me want to go camping... uh... maybe next year!
Khadra said…
sounds like a good experience, and I know I say this all the time, but your kids are gorgeous!
Lacy Kline said…
I'm so glad you guys had a great trip and way to go on the camping! I think the tee pee is the funniest thing ever, I'm so glad you didn't stick out. Can't wait to see more pictures!
Kelly said…
Fun,fun,Fun!! I love the pics you've posted so far! I'm glad you guys realized on day 1 that your itinerary was a little overwhelming instead of suffering through 12 days of misery!!

I can't wait to hear/see the rest!!
Wow! Looks like you had a fantastic time with great photos to prove it.

:o) Wishing you a fantastically wonderful Tuesday!
Night Owl Mama said…
What an amazing adventure and memories you and your children have I luv all your photos
thanks for sharing STOPPING in from Sits. Welcome back from Vacation

come on by for a laugh
Reviewer11 said…
Oh wow! What a trip! Sounds like you and your family had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us.

From SITS :D
JennyMac said…
What a great attitude and the pics turned out great. And yes, you can live with out some electronics for 2 weeks, can't you?
Dreamgirl said…
Hello American girl!

Sounds and looks like you had a great trip. I'm sort of in awe... 2 weeks camping - that wouldn't be my first choice for a relaxing holiday (I'm sort of a hotel kind of girl...) Now my kids would LOVE it - and who knows, maybe I would too...

I found you through SITS and just had to come visit. I used to be a Norwegian in America! (1998-2003)

I hope we Norwegians are treating you well;)

Come on over and see where I hang out at www.Sweeterliving.blogspot.com

(I have Sweeterhomes.blogpsot.com too, it's sort of my house-fix after a quit working as a realtor...)

Have a sunny tuesday!
Vodka Mom said…
the shots are spectacular!!

And I LOVE the tee pee.
Lift Like A Mom said…
Wow! What an adventure you are on! Sounds amazing. I love your pictures and you have a beautiful family. Will be checking your blog out more often. Hope you have a great day :)
Dreamgirl said…
Thanks for visiting sweeterliving;)
I'll keep coming back to see more of your trip!
Stacey said…
What a wonderful trip! I have always wanted to sleep in one of those tipi's
Bobbi & Noe said…
I just came across your blog! I have always wanted to go to Norway. My great grandparents are from Oslo. I'm glad I got to read your words!
AiringMyLaundry said…
Stopping by from SITs.

That vacation sounds amazing. I'm not sure if I could ever camp with my family though. We'd probably kill each other.
Vera said…
Glad you liked your trip to Germany :) I'll be in Berlin next weekend and hope I'll enjoy it as much as you did!

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