Back to Norway...sigh.... BIANCHI BODEGA...
I left the sunny warm skies of Argentina to come back to the freezing darkness which is Norway...
Norway is starting to grow on me...but the the winters kill me.
After a 16 hours in the air & a lay over in Frankfurt I made it home to my babies & Bjørn... I was able to spend about 9 hours with hubby before he left for Dubai... when did life get this crazy? You know what they say...absence makes the heart grow fonder... (we are really pretty fond of each other by now..)
So about ARGENTINA... WOW ....
5 stars... all of the way talk about being SPOILED.. Some of the highlights of the trip...
San Rafael:
San Rafael is a warm and vibrant city in the heart of Mendoza province, the most important and extensive wine region in Argentina.
San Rafael retains much of its old world charm from the days of the European immigrants from France, Spain and Italy who brought their viticulture skills to create a wine growing oasis.

We were able to visit (hang out) at the Bianchi Bodega... yes, I know lots & lots of people get to visit (something like 100,000 a year) however we were treated like V.I.P.S all the way...
They even raised the
Norwegian flag for "us"... didn't realize I was the lone American traveling with a delegation of Norskis..
They promised to raise the American flag for me next time I popped by the BODEGA.... ( I am sooo Spanish aren't I?)
Personal tour through the winery with PONCHO (not his real name.... but that's what they called him)... the Creator of most of the wines.... (how cool is that?)

.... tasting pretty much ALL of their wines..

I also liked this Bianchi NEW AGE... I guess it is pretty big in the has yet to launch in Norway but I think it is coming in 2010...
Dinner with the BIG GUY...Mr. Bianchi himself....

Yes... I know I look like butt, but y'all... this is like after 24 hours of NON STOP TASTING... I was lucky I made it through the dinner...lets just say... I am P R E T T Y sure they will be remembering the Texas chic for a while... (smile)
Norway is starting to grow on me...but the the winters kill me.
After a 16 hours in the air & a lay over in Frankfurt I made it home to my babies & Bjørn... I was able to spend about 9 hours with hubby before he left for Dubai... when did life get this crazy? You know what they say...absence makes the heart grow fonder... (we are really pretty fond of each other by now..)
So about ARGENTINA... WOW ....
5 stars... all of the way talk about being SPOILED.. Some of the highlights of the trip...
San Rafael:
San Rafael is a warm and vibrant city in the heart of Mendoza province, the most important and extensive wine region in Argentina.
San Rafael retains much of its old world charm from the days of the European immigrants from France, Spain and Italy who brought their viticulture skills to create a wine growing oasis.

We were able to visit (hang out) at the Bianchi Bodega... yes, I know lots & lots of people get to visit (something like 100,000 a year) however we were treated like V.I.P.S all the way...
They even raised the

They promised to raise the American flag for me next time I popped by the BODEGA.... ( I am sooo Spanish aren't I?)

.... tasting pretty much ALL of their wines..

7 days & about 500 bottle teeth will never be the same...

I also liked this Bianchi NEW AGE... I guess it is pretty big in the has yet to launch in Norway but I think it is coming in 2010...
Dinner with the BIG GUY...Mr. Bianchi himself....

Yes... I know I look like butt, but y'all... this is like after 24 hours of NON STOP TASTING... I was lucky I made it through the dinner...lets just say... I am P R E T T Y sure they will be remembering the Texas chic for a while... (smile)
Finished the afternoon with about 6 bottles of New Age.. & baby goat... (don't ask)
before we hopped in the car to Mendoza.... da da dum....
More tomorrow...(if my children will let me get near the computer...)
PS I love your hair it turned out really nice!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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I especially envy you the wine yard visit - looks and sounds very exciting and tasty and I love wine from Argentina!
OK, trying to go back and read all your posts about Argentina... how you got there, all the fun things, etc...
So nice to see you back. And your hair looks great - you're so darling nothing could look bad on you gorgeous!