Last night in Argentina....

This is my last night in Argentina....makes me sad. What a WONDERFUL ..W.O.N.D.E.R.F.U.L time I have had....

I already told the people I am traveling with not to be surprised if I break down BAWLING when we touch down in Oslo....I am just not ready to go back to the DARK NORWEGIAN WINTER..

But I do miss my babies and return I must.

I have a ton of posts / tons of pictures to share... will have to get busy when I get home this weekend. I am DREADING the 14 hour flight home but it was so worth it.

Thank you to all of y{all who offered to guest post... my computer time is very limited... so I am just reading the comments now...sorry... But thanks again... I will get some of y{all to guest post very soon...

I still haven{t got the hang of these keyboards at the hotel so bare with me... OK off to enjoy my last night ... and maybe learn a little Tango...

Ciao for now.... Be back soon


Twincerely,Olga said…
just wanted to say hi!My Mom is from Argentina! Hope you have a great and safe trip home!
OMG..I want your traveling life!!! Man- I am chained to the Minnesota winter that is just beginning and I want to be someplace warm. Argentina might do the trick!!!

I am soo glad you had a wonderful time and D-Y-I-N-G to see some pics!!!
MommyLisa said…
Minnesota is not that bad --- YET! I am here too. :)

Looking forward to seeing Argentina in your eyes.
I hate flying, I can relate to those awful long flights but I'm glad you are having a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the photos!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I am sure you will look all tan and gorgeous when you stand next to all the Norwegians at work next week!!! ;o) Glad you had fun!
Safe travels can't wait to see your pictures. I'm sure your babies and hubby will be glad to have you home!
Corinne said…
Hey at least there's some snow on the ground so it's not too too dark! But it is butt-freezing cold today. Really wish I could switch with you and be in Argentina right now!
Linz M said…
I love Argentina so I can imagine how fab a time you have had. Very jealous!
Miss Footloose said…
I know Dutch winters so can imagine Norwegian ones, darker and colder yet! So I feel your pain.

I'm looking forward to your pictures of Argentina. I've lived/traveled many places but not to Argentina and have become interested in that part of the world.
Skogkjerring said…
Hey- look for Stig, he's on his way home from Brazil- you guys might hook up and get on the same plane to Oslo in like Paris or something....that would be funny if you recognize him from his photos on my blog and saw him in the airport....
Can't wait to hear about your trip and see all the amazing photos of sunny Argentina...
cat said…
Oh wow! Sound like you had a great time.
prashant said…
Hope you have a great and safe trip home!

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MsTypo said…
I'm so impressed you blogged on vacation! Stop making us slackers look bad. :p

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