Have y'all been wondering where I have been?
No? Ummm...OK.. then.

Just in case a few of you were wondering... I have been working my tail off doing all of my year end stuff... & Spending time playing in the winter wonderland which is NORWAY...
this evening it is -22c. (-2f) & IT IS COLD...
I had big ol' plans for a post about how AWESOME 2009 was... but once again, not sure I will get around to it...(my BEST posts never actually make it to my laptop.)

Anyway... until I get to the super awesome post...thought you might like to see a few shots of Norway in the winter....

Sunset today at 3 pm--- the days are getting longer yippee...

We have been doing a lot of cross country skiing this weekend. The kids are skiing pretty much everywhere...I am sure next week there will be 100 kids skiing to school... (must admit I STILL love seeing it...- how cool is it to SKI to School?)

Eva was getting a little help from pappa down the big hill...

Our house is starting to look like a ski lodge

The snow.. the snow... the snow...
it always makes for such great pictures..

This is a picture Dane took while we were in Sweden...
I just love the trees...

the kid has a really good eye.

So if I don't get a chance to post before tomorrow night...
Hope y'all have a wonderful & S A F E 2010... ...



Very Very cute!!! I hope you also have a great New Year's!!!
OH, my best posts are in my head, too. I have a horrid time getting them from my brain to my fingers to type out :-)

So...does everyone know how to ski? How early do lessons for that start?
ACR said…
Happy New Year!

I have to keep a notebook nearby at all times to remember my post ideas -- a notebook in the truck, my purse, my bedside table, my desk .. and then 1/2 of them seem to stay there. :) OH well.
Sarah - Kala said…
Happy Christmas, Happy New Year!!

Norway is beautiful - thanks for sharing! Living in HI, I totally miss the snow!!
Skiing to school now that is cool!Minus 22C yikes that is cold. Your pictures are awesome I love the one with you and your hubby. Happy New Year!
Your pics are adorable...Have a safe and Happy New Years!
Lorina said…
My goodness! I hate the snow.. but I love that picture!

Stopping by from SITS!
SabrinaT said…
Wonderful pictures!!! Happy New Year!!!
Unknown said…
THANk you for the wishes ladies!
Kat no ski lessons... Bjørn just put us all in skiis & pushed us down the hill... the "Norwegian Way" LOL
Katinka said…
Have a great NYE! I wish you all the best for the upcoming year!!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year! What great pictures!
Stopping by from SITS!
How wonderful! And skiing to school? What a riot! Stopping by from SITS to say Happy New Year!
Cristin said…
I've lived in a few wintry places (Vermont and Nova Scotia) but not so wintry as this! Beautiful!
Tina L. Hook said…
What beautiful photos! I went back and read your love story. I love it.

What a great blog. Look forward to visiting again.

Stopping by from SITS.
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Sues2u2 said…
How beautiful! I love all of the snow shots. I think the best is Eva's purple eyes in the b/w shot though. Pretty cool.

Happy New Year, Tressa!
Anonymous said…
aww!..Beautiful!..Your kids adorabley perfect!....Happy New Year!... :)
Mrs4444 said…
It's great to "see" you again :) Your pics (including your header!) are fantastic! Happy New Year :)
MoMo 2.0 said…
Skiing to school sounds like the coolest thing! Happy New Year, my friend!
beaverboosh said…
Best to you and the family for a fantastic 2010. BBx
No one can obviously describe Winter Wonder Land better than you - yea; It's cold, but also beautiful and great fun if you know to dress right!

Happy New Year to you and your family!
Wow!! Amazing photos and your family is adorable! Happy New Year!
These are wonderful images. Thanks for sharing them. And happy new year to you!
Corrie Howe said…
Happy New Year. I love that you turned the last ones into black and white.
Unknown said…
Wow. I love the picture Dane took. And I also love the snow pictures. GORGEOUS! I almost wanted to come and visit you but then I read your temperature and it made me want to crawl into a blanket! Brrrrrrrrrrrr!

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