Merry gift EVER

I know it must be very annoying when I find something I L O V E... (the greatest thing since sliced bread) & then I act like I discovered it....

What am I talking about? latest addiction... SKYPE...

The best gift I received was F R E E... Virtually spending the Holidays with my family on the other side of the world.
Are there anyExpats out there NOT using SKYPE?
My little sis & I finally decided to download & try SKYPE on Christmas Eve...
I think we VIDEO called each other 3 times that night...
Christmas Morning I skyped her while the kiddos opened Santa's gifts... It was like she was here with us.... We skyped again when most of the family sat down to Christmas dinner in the US...
Skyped with my older sis in Houston... & even sat & had a coffee "together" while we chatted with each other for well over an hour this afternoon....
(Dane skyping with Grandpa & his cousin)
The possibilities are LIMITLESS... I am thinking next time the kids have a school play or concert... just bring my laptop along & my parents can watch LIVE....
Thank you SKYPE ...for the best gift a girl a long way from home could get! ya!


Katinka said…
OMG! That's amazing! When I'm in California I skype with my mom (in Germany) EVERY DAY! It's awesome and I couldn't live without it :) makes things a whole lot easier :) hope you had a great Christmas!
Corinne said…
We Skype every Sunday with my parents in California. It's the best ever! I also Skype with my aunt in Ohio every now and then, and it's fun to sit and have coffee or make breakfast while chatting with someone you love and SEEING them! FOR FREE!!! I've been emailing all my friends with Please Get Skype NOW. NOW!!!
Ash said…
My Dad signed up for this last month, and it's on my list - thanks for the kick in my pants to get it going.

So glad you were able to "share" Christmas!!!
Corrie Howe said…
Yep! Skype is great. I can talk to my brother in England now. And I can keep in touch with our former Spanish exchange student.
MommyLisa said…
Do you need a video attachment?
Angie's Spot said…
Isn't Skype the best?! My brother & I also downloaded it on Christmas Eve so that he could visit with my daughters before Santa's arrival. He then joined us the yesterday morning to check out what the girls received and then for dinner last night so he could chat with our parents also. It's a wonderful tool to keep loved ones who are far away, still in the loop!
Yea, Skype is a must for an Expat. My American wife is addicted too. Not only does she do Skype to Skype, but it's much cheaper to call from Norway to home phones over there too.
Elisabeth said…
We love SKYPE too! I use it when my husband is traveling for work and Stink wants to see him.

Glad you had a great holiday and "spent" it with your family.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
We did a Skype Christmas last year with my family...opened our gifts one by one! And were so appreciative of that Danish man who invented Skype!!!
Scary Mommy said…
I just discovered Skype too and it's amazing!!!!
Scary Mommy said…
I just discovered Skype too and it's amazing!!!!
Unknown said…
I have never skyped anyone. This made me want to! I am glad you had a special day!
rach said…
I love skype- my husband lives in ireland, we use skype daily even just to say hi. i dont think we could do the seperation if it wasnt for skype!

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