When I think I can't love him any more....

As y'all know I was having a wee bit of a problem with

I H A T E.. being away from my family for the holidays..

It is hard to believe I am a woman pushing 40, with kids of her own, when I go on & on & on about how much I miss my mom & dad, sisters & brother.

It has been 3 years since I have been home for Christmas.
Sure, I was home in Sept. but my family is scattered all over the US...Roanoke, Kansas City, Houston... (not counting the cousins & rest of the lot...)
So the chance of me being able to see everyone is almost impossible... if I'm not home over a holiday or a wedding.

Because of my HS class reunion & both of my parents turning 70 within the next couple of years, the chance of my getting the kids home to the US for Christmas within the next 3 years is next to impossible...

When I said that out loud today...not being home for Christmas for SIX years...I.fell.apart.
Eva is going to be 8-9 before I get her back...no longer WANTING to sit on Santa's lap....

WHAAAAAAA... & yes, I really did start crying.....

Norway has its own traditions...just very different from mine. My friend Renny has an excellent post about the Norwegian "Santa Claus"... go check it out.. & make sure you say hello... (you will never meet a nicer Norski.. : )

I keep thinking how lucky all of the expats who live in Germany..or even the rest of Scandinavia are... with the FABULOUS Christmas Markets how could you NOT be in the Christmas spirit even if you can't be home? (NO, No Christmas markets around us...)

I hurried off of the phone with hubby for fear that I really was going to LOSE.it.

He called me back about an hour later

Told me to clear my schedule for the 23rd... because...
he was taking us away to get into the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT...

Down-over? to Liseberg.Sweden... where they have an awesome Christmas Market, ice skating

AND....FATHER CHRISTMAS aka..Jolly Ol' Saint Nick

Yes... I got a little teary when he told me what he planned....

Just when I think I can't love Bjørn any MORE than I already do...he goes and does something like THIS.... ...sigh...

Thank you Blue eyes...

Love you more than you know!


Scary Mommy said…
Oh, so sweet! And those pictures? Amazing!!
Oh wow! I would love to go to the Christmas market!!! Please take lots of photos so we can live vicariously! You are going to have such a great time!
Andi said…
That is a truly wonderful hubby - in touch with your needs and trying to make you happy - a good guy!
Anti-Supermom said…
Those are some of the best Christmas photos I have ever seen! Amazing~

You are right, what a sweet guy!
Jill said…
Wow, wow, and WOW!! So freakin' excited for you! Matt and I were just saying the other day that we really need to give our kids the Christmas experience - even though we're Jewish. They need to understand what it's like to have the cold winter air breathing on you while you sing Christmas carols and drink hot chocolate. Kinda hard to do that in year round 80+ degree weather.

So so fun! So thrilled for you! xx
Skogkjerring said…
Not to compare but if it's any comfort we haven't been home for Christmas since Sarah was about to turn 1 (in January) she will be 17 in January now...but a lot of our situation was lack of funds in the beginning of our marriage..now there is just no time or trips alreay had throughout the year...I'm hoping and praying we get back next year.
Your husband is a sweetheart considering how you feel and taking you to find the Christmas spirit, Lisberg looks gorgeous and I've heard lots of great things about that park..hope you have a great time!!
Corinne said…
Way to go Bjørn! Major brownie points!

I'm surprised there are no Christmas Markets in F-town. There are a few out in town by us, and we need to go! I love things like that. Hoping you're getting some snow so it's lightening up and that this trip will really get you guys in the Xmas spirit!
Don't push to hard - it's come sooner that you might know :lol:

Sorry you have to take a Harry tour to get the Spirit, but of course it was sweet of him!

Glad you got the hang of our Jule Nisse from my post - thanks for plugging me!

Yea: See you in Jan :-)
Oh! Yeah! What a great guy! I know it's not home but its sounds like a wonderful way to spend Christmas! Have a wonderful time.
Christine Gram said…
Oh I can SO relate to you on this. I guess I should appreciate all the Christmas cheer we have in our northern Italian city... but I too can't help the wave of saddness that swallows me up when I know I'm not going to be with my Mom and Dad, and brothers and sisters in law for Christmas (or Thanksgiving... that would work too).

I'll take a tip from you and get out and enjoy the local Christmas cheer.
Katinka said…
OMG!!!! I know how you feel (big hug).
I am so happy to be home for Christmas this year. I hope that you are having a great christmas season with your family. That is so sweet of him :)
Anonymous said…
I know how you feel. It's really hard being away from family. Gorgeous pictures!
Sues2u2 said…
That is just awesome. Here's to one of the most romantic gestures that a husband can do! *clink* (that was my glass being raised to your hubby!)

Enjoy your trip. Sounds & looks like it will be a blast!
satakieli said…
It is difficult being away from family for christmas. My parents live in England, my in laws in the US and we live in germany. I have not been home (england) for christmas for 3 years and I doubt I ever will be able to again. Perhaps we'll be able to spend next christmas with my ILs.

It makes me sad for my son more than myself, he's only 2 and doesn't really know now, but what about when he's older?

Brenda said…
OH Tressa - this brought tears to my eyes.

Blessings for Bjorn!

Have a wonderful time - and just wallow in being loved so much by your own dear man.

MommyLisa said…
Oh have an AWESOME time! Norway is very different at Christmas.
Anonymous said…
That is so sweet of him!

At least staying home means you avoid all the hassle of travel around the holidays. BA's strike announcement has created a huge headache and a lot of lost sleep for me this week. Makes me think that next Christmas will be spent in Norway.

Merry Christmas!
I AM SOO HOMESICK TOOO!! Your post made me bawl my eyes out.

Holiday's suck without my family. Your hub is as sweet as mine, he just purchased me a one way for Christmas day!

You've got a keeper there!!
Frizzy said…
Here I sit in the good old USA and I've been missing those Christmas markets you mentioned in Germany and Austria like you wouldn't believe! Christmas there felt like walking through an old fashioned Christmas card of my grandmothers. I miss the Gluevine and the men playing Christmas music on tiny glasses filled with water in the center squares. The huge churches with their doors open wide for all to come in and worship.
Kelly said…
You got yourself one hellavu man sister!! Made me get teary!

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