Closest I got to sending Chritmas Cards this year...

I KNOW.. I am SOOOO lame. I always have the best intentions of doing cards for all of my friends & family... Really I do.

I even thought while snapping pictures in Paris this summer, WOW...this is going to make aa AWESOME Christmas card.

Lets face it... I am a procrastinator & a sucky Christmas planner...

So dear family & friends... If I HAD sent out a card this year, THIS is what it would have looked like!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! : ) Tressa


Jemma said…
That is adorable! Your kids are so cute. I can beat you in lameness, I actually bought the cards and I didn't send them. I never got around to writing them out, but I do have the damn cards! I dont know why I even try. I have only gotten cards out one year, and that was about 5 years ago... Thanks for the update on Norway weather, we are off to Skien in 2 days!! whoo hoo!!
Katinka said…
very cute christmas card :))) I should have made some too but I didn't :)
Jill said…
Your kids are gorgeous! Way too cute cards... you totally should have sent them out!!
Matty said…
Thanks for the card. They look like great kids.
Frizzy said…
Merry Christmas to you too! I love all the shots you chose. Too funny.

On a different note, I had a dream that I ran into you and your family at a Christmas party here. CRAZY aye? I started introducing you to everyone like we were old friends. Where do these things come from?
Oh, I am glad that I received your is adorable!!! Great job and you are not a procrastinator...I've gotten hardly any cards this year!
Our cards won't go out until tomorrow. But that is mostly because I NEVER print pictures...and had not anticipated how long it would take for Snapfish to send my prints!

But...I LOVE the card you made. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Skogkjerring said…
That is a great card! Are you kidding me with your comment on my blog? You take fantastic photos!!! I've got an "old" 400D from Canon. But I strongly recommed a program called Picasa 3. I think you can download it's easy (for we who like the basic route with computers and gadgets)and lets you retouch photos so you get the photo you intended to take, even if it isn't the way you want it when you upload it to your computer!!!
Sues2u2 said…
What a great collage! This actually works out beautifully cause then we can all enjoy!
red ticking said…
i have just found your blog... and seeing your photos is just wonderful.... i didnt send any this year... i will try for new years.. have a wonderful christmas... blessings to you.x pam
Rick said…
Very nice photos just the same. Merry Christmas.
Keri said…
Hello Friend. I think this was brilliant! Why not post your Christmas card on your blog for your friends to enjoy? I think it's a capital idea. I sent out exactly 5! Shame on me. I just could not get all my ducks in a row. Your page is looking splendid, have enjoyed my visit here today. Come back and see me some time, Love and haPPINESS, KERI
Corrie Howe said…
You are doing better than me. I haven't even gotten the Christmas picture of the kids in front of the tree yet!

Although this year I might entertain sending out a "New Year Letter." I haven't sent anything in a couple of years. It has been nice.
LOL, great idea! I barely got my Christmas cards out, and they were NOT what I wanted... next year, I might just skip it altogether!

Anonymous said…
What a great card! It would have turned out so well!
Hey it works for me! Intentions are my middle name! At least you got this up! :)
MommyLisa said…
The card is cute...even if it is electronic.
Lovely! Merry Christmas my friend xxxx
Merry Christmas!!! xoxo Your family is so adorable!
Thanks for sending it to us in Blogsphere then!

Hope you had a great one - at least I know it was white :-)

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