Best-est Christmas Ever...

Have to admit I am starting to get just a little OVERWHELMED with all of the

"Holiday Hoop-la" sooo much to do & sooo little time.

Where to begin? Decorate?..bake?

took a deep breath... went to the computer & I noticed this post on my little linked in widget thingy...

This is a repost... but still one of my favorite Christmas memories...


It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!
This weeks photo is inspired by my new friend over at The Cottage Cafe' & her post My Heartfelt Thanks
Since becoming a mom, I have tried to look for ways to show my children what the Christmas Spirit is all about... We have adopted families in need... Dane has gone with me to serve Christmas dinner to the homeless... but one of the best experiences I /we have had was a
few Christmas' ago...
My brother & sisters & their families gathered at my parents home in Kansas City...we invited soldiers from a nearby Army base to celebrate Christmas Eve with our family .... Just come over & hang out, so that they wouldn't be stuck on base without their family & friends.
My mother had a friend married to a Sgt... on base, so she invited them plus whoever else wanted to come along.... 8 soldiers showed up...
We had the best time with these "kids". We ate..we drank..we played games , we were Merry... we embraced the true meaning of the Christmas Spirit.
As the night progressed, the soldiers admitted that they weren't really sure what they were getting themselves into when they agreed to come over to my parents house...
they thought they were going to go visit an old lady with a lot of cats or something... (to brighten her day.. & to have an excuse to get off base...)
We had a good laugh about that. We had such a good time with all of these soldiers.. they came back the next day to spend Christmas with us. They brought Army caps & t-shirts for all of the big kids... (5 year olds..) who thought that was SOOO cool.
This is one of my all time favorite Christmas memories & one I doubt my son will ever forget. I hope these brave soldiers , where ever they may be, will reflect upon that Christmas with good memories as well....
Thank you to all of the brave men & women serving all of us...


Mammatalk said…
Absolutley heartwarming!
Anonymous said…
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Betsy said…
Wow, what a wonderful thing your family did for those soldiers! As an Army wife, it brings tears to my eyes.
Unknown said…
Thanks for the expat hospitality!
It's a bit overwhelming still, but I'm sure you know that feeling too...

Good luck with your Christmas preparations, it's my first holiday season away from my family and the States too, but so far so good!

I loved these photos too, so sweet. <3
MoMo 2.0 said…
now THAT is what Christmas is all about!!!!! Thank you for sharing this!
Batgirl said…
Definitely what Christmas is all about! :-)
WOW, that is awesome! What a great thing to do and what a fun time it looks like everyone is having. That was a wonderful idea! No wonder it was the best Christmasever!

Visiting from SITS! Merry Christmas!
Nicole said…
You do have a great family.
What a wonderful thing to do....the real Spirit of Christmas.

Thanks for stopping by.
That's an AMAZING way to spend Christmas - well done you, I'm having a think about how we might make Christmas a bit more meaningful, thanks for the prompt!
Over from SITS and I can't figure out when everyone's posting either..
Keri said…
Flippin Fabulous Find this page. So glad I came along for a snoop. Have a wonderful holiday.

Anonymous said…
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Laura said…
I'm also feeling overwhelmed! Thanks for the nice story!
Great story! And holy cow lady I LOVE your new header!!! Did you do that yourself??? Wonderful!

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