Emails from Santa.... Tis the season...

My girlfriend Margot sent me this.... (thanks Margot!)

If you have babies who are waiting for Santa in the next couple of weeks... you
HAVE GOT TO check this out...

this was the email video Eva received tonight...

(I think she is still kind of FREAKING out!)

Works even BETTER when you have another child who may not have been as good...
hee hee hee

Don't worry ... Dane was in on it... so he will not be scarred F O R E V E R.

Pulled out the Christmas decorations today... I asked Bjørn if he wanted us to wait until he returned from Dubai... he assured me to GO AHEAD without him... THANKS honey!

You know you are an expat celebrating the holidays abroad... when your 10 year old can
BLOW UP the Christmas tree by having the converter on the wrong setting...

It didn't catch on fire, but it did blow all of the attached lights... (that's what I get for being a lazy mother who was hoping we could just pop the tree up...CRAP)

We can still use the fake tree...but I have to go & buy Norwegian lights to put on it... next year, we are going back to doing the real thing....

I will try to finish up the trip to Argentina...but y'all know how I am. I get half way through the holiday & quit. (I am really am going to try to get the pictures of Buenos Aires up... what an AMAZING city..)

But we have Judo testing...Dane is going for his belt... Christmas baking... house cleaning... unpacking... sigh... I know y'all feel my pain.

OK... seriously, check out the Santa video it is SOO cute!


BenLand said…
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
my son freaked out over the santa email!!!
i'm sending it to all my friends!!!

have a great holiday :)
Donna said…
Oh, we've blown up more than just Christmas trees by plugging things straight into the walls. We just bought a new tree, with lights attached, but the plug was so crazy that I eventually spent 2 hours cutting all of the wires off the tree. Such a pain. BTW, I don't think I've told you, but I really like your new layout.
Unknown said…
I don't know how you do all of it. You are like non stop busy! Judo testing... WOW! : ) Good luck with the tree. I haven't even thought about ours yet. I am seriously the WORST mother in America! (And Norway!)
Love the video I did one for my teen daughter it's so funny the choices they have. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend.

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