Eva's Christmas show Tenn Lys (light a candle)

The Christmas show was a success!

With almost 100 people in attendance I was very impressed that Eva was able to go through with her solo...

Most of the time I thought she looked a little green...not sure if it was due to nerves...or if she really wasn't feeling well...

Her "5th of whiskey & 5 packs of smokes" voice is due to all of the singing she has been doing at the nursing homes this week....

Anywhoo... here is my baby girl... : )
( yes, I am just a little proud!)

TENN LYS ! (Eyvind Skeie)

Tenn lys ! (light a candle)

Et lys skal brenne for denne lille jord. (a candle should burn for this little earth)

Den blanke himmelstjerne, der vi og alle bor. (the shinning heaven stars, where we all live)

alle dele håpet gode ting kan skje. (when all share hope, good things can happen)

jord og himmel møtes. Et lys er tent for det. (earth & heaven meet, a candle is lit for this)


SO CUTE!!! aww, i think she's a precious little angel.
Brenda said…
Sooo sweet - she was wonderful - her little right foot was turned slightly in - such a pretty sweet little girl.
Brittany said…
Love your blog,
and that child is too cute for words!!
MoMo 2.0 said…
SHE IS A DOLL!!! It is a gift that she is bilingual .... your kids are lucky to have the benefit of growing up with 2 cultures!
Sarah - Kala said…
It's all Norwegian to me, but is she not just the most darling wee girl evah???? I got tears in my eyes thinking how proud you must be of your little darling girl!!!!
beaverboosh said…
sweet... she'll give wyflef jean a run for his money soon! x
What a great vid from a wonderful performance!

Your not just a little, but very proud - and you have all the reason why :-)
mimbles said…
How utterly gorgeous and adorable :-) She did a great job with her performance, you definitely should be proud!
Sues2u2 said…
She did a marvelous job!!! I loved how she was holding the mike & she looked around. What a performer. So glad that you shared that!!
gina said…
AW!! She did great!! Are you guys all bilingual?

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