Little slice of Heaven..

Howdy HO!... Just popping in to say HELLO... FINALLY.. tomorrow the kids are both back to school...Bjørn is back to work & I have a day off...

Can you say HEAVEN? SO I can finally get back to my blogging... I have pretending that I don't have an addiction while Bjørn & the kids have been home... but no more pretending...

Speaking of Heaven... the Beach looked like a little slice of it...

I took the kids to the beach snap some shots...( in like -10 weather , HELLO child abuse...? but appears I am the only one who had a great time- I now have a killer sore throat)

I think this has to be one of my all time FAVORITE photos... I did NOTHING to this photo... it really was this BEAUTIFUL today

Off to bed now so I can be in good shape to come by & visit all of your blogs tomrrow.



Sandy said…
*sigh* so very beautiful
Ash said…

But if that is the Norway equivalent to a "beach," zoweeee, you guys dig the cold!

Enjoy your quiet. Oldest woke up with a slight cough this morning, and I was like "hell no." Youngest had preschool - 4 hours of peace. and quiet. sigh.
Nicole said…
The pictures is beautiful. And the coast is wortha visit at any season.
Anonymous said… missed me..hahaha

That is an awesome that really a diving board off into the ocean??? Wow...
Love that shot! Amazing sky color for sure! I know what you mean about being addicted but NOT when the fam is home LOL...its a deep dark secret!
Sues2u2 said…
The photo almost looks surreal. What a gorgeous pix. I think that sore throat was totally worth it. I mean you suffered for your art! What more is there in life?! lol (I do love the photo. Just amazing)
What is that platform?? Is that really a diving board? How deep is it there?

I would love to see a side by side comparison of this spot in the summer. But...I still can't imagine swimming up there :-) I mean...I like my ocean to feel like bath water. You know. Like the Caribbean!

Oh...and you so need to do a tutorial on how you make all the eyes so gorgeous in your photos!
Karen said…
I love your pictures of Norway. So makes me want to see it in person.
Dreamer said…
Brrrr, this makes me cold just looking at it.

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