Please slap me....

I had a little time this morning after dropping Eva off at preschool... I decided to take a walk.. (because THIS is the year I get healthy) & I need to find a photo for my little 365 project...

MY beach is beginning to thaw & it made me sad, so I decided to go to a different beach today.... Mærrapanne...

Amazing doesn't even begin to describe how BEAUTIFUL & PEACEFUL it was out there...
Table for Two?
I will bringing the kids here over the weekend for a little picnic...

Talk about being on top of the world...
If I had had a thermos of coffee & didn't have to go to work.. I would have stayed here all day long..
just snap snap snapping....

So please y'all...

Next time I start whining about Super TARGET & lack of VELVEETA over here..

Please SLAP ME OK?

Thanks for visiting "my world." If you want to see more exciting places from around of the globe, go to the "That's My World" website


Cristin said…
Wow. Gorgeous. Lucky you to live there.
Lee said…
That is
Hans and Shinta said…
Breathtaking!!! God is wonderfully awesome.
Ash said…
Zowwweee girl - you look like a Nordic Princess.

Simply gorgeous.

The beach is awesome too. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible place.
Um wow! Yes, I will totally slap you! That is amazing. I wish that I could be there!!!! Im behind on my 365 project already. This is a little overwhelming!!!
JEDA said…
Actually, I kind of want to slap you for being all 'snow is good' 'cold is awesome' 'freeze! freeze! freeze!' over there. But then, my pipes are frozen solid, and I'm stressed out about that. So probably I should just take a deep breath, and compliment you on your warm, furry coat.....

Sandy said…
So very beautiful.

I love the picture with the picnic table.
I know it's hard and cold but at least the sun shines! Your pictures are breathless.
Sues2u2 said…
The steam coming up off the water is what gets me. Wow. It must be freaky cold there. And yet your favorite beach is melting? Wow. Beautiful, beautiful photos.
MommyLisa said…
Velveeta? When you have Geitost?? Ski Queen??? Do you know how much that stuff costs over here??? I miss THAT!

Plus, well - the view makes up for everything. Even Super Target.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by! Your shots are amazing!
Nice photos!!!! Thanks for sharing
The Blonde Duck said…

Yea, it's way too cold for my thin Texas blood here. It's stayed in the 50s and lower for two months....that's not the kind of payment I wanted for tolerating the three months of 105 degrees plus....
George said…
Your world is absolutely beautiful. I think I could put up with the lack of a Super Target to be there. Thanks for sharing these wonderful views with us.
Thanks, too, for visiting my site.
Skogkjerring said…
Will slap you for even thinking of Velveeta when you have that beautiful view!!
You look like a little eskimo princess..cute..
Mammatalk said…
Absolutely amazing! You really are on top of the world, aren't cha?
Debbie said…
Wow. I find it hard to even know what to say to photos so gorgeous.
(But I'd still miss Target.
Came over from SITS.
LadyFi said…
It really is a wonderful winter - especially when the sun is shining!

Breathtaking photos!
Dumbwit Tellher said…
I trade with you in a split second. I miss great beauty. I was recently looking at photos of Holsen, Norway where my family comes from. Wish I could go back again. Loved your photos. You look happy!
Anonymous said…
No time for slapping friend... I only got hugs! Ok ok and a tiny twinge on jealousy... Your life seems amazing! And your a doll! :)
Robbi said…
Gorgeous photos!
cat said…
Absolutely. Stunning. Pictures.
Julie H said…
It's pretty but it looks WAY TO COLD!! Yes, I am a whimp.
Unknown said…
Seriously STUNNING!
The view...and YOU!

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