What I will be wearing to the airport....

After reports that all passengers on flights going into the United States will be required to go through a body scanning to board the plane... I have decided to wear this little number....

I mean.. If I am going to have 100 people at Shiphol Airport check me out... I might as well look gooooood right?

No more waiting until I get to the U.S. to buy my nice panties & bras... I am going to have to buy them before I leave Norway.

When I was home last fall I went through one of these body scanner thingy bobbies....

I didn't know what it was until it was TOO LATE...it was the shortest line... (thats what I get for being greedy & not wanting to wait with everyone else).

I have to admit I started getting a LITTLY panicky... What would everyone be seeing... good god, what underwear was I wearing... & the hairy legs... well... lets just say I was away from home for 10 days & no one was touching them..: )

Now that all of us flying to the U.S. will probably have to be stripped by this scanner I thought it was best I really know what they will be looking at....

Ooooooo... Look at the face on this chick... How would you like to be sitting next to
H E R?
...look at that CREEPY smile...
"hardy hardy har... I have a gun on my butt., & explosives strapped to my side.. "
How do y'all feel about this?
D you feel like this has gone
too far?
Do you think it will do any good?
Personally, although I am a pretty modest person... & I feel a bit uneasy about strangers looking at all of my "bits"...
'I would feel MUCH safer, knowing everyone is being checked...
Especially after the whole NWA- bomb over Detroit... We have taken that route more times than I can count... I would like to have the piece of mind that everyone has been "stripped"

Now that I see from the above picture that they can't really see what kind if undies you are wearing...(unless this chic is going COMANDO..)
I will most likely be wearing something like THIS...
At least I will LOOK thinner to all of the random strangers looking at my naked bod...


Yikes is all I have to say. Makes you want to work out!
Man alive that body scan lady is scaryyyy!!!

She looks all to happy to be packin! My dad carries a gun on him at all times and it makes me feel safe, although something about them at the airport is all wrong. I like your 3rd option. I pretty much stiff myself into those every day of the week! LOL
Anonymous said…
You're too funny!
Skogkjerring said…
Ok, I really have to say my sympathies go more to the poor sucker who has to sit there day in and day out looking at everyone's "bits"...I mean..it's one thing if it's a guy sitting there and some hotty comes through with something like that, probably helps him keep awake under such a BORING job, but I'd be willing to bet the majority will look like blue blob woman there packin the heat (though most will be without the heat hopefully) and to be honest, I don't know if I could hack a job like that...probably would never eat again after seeing all that day in and day out all day..ugh...stomach is turning...
It doesn't surprise me things have gotten to this point..won't surprise me if it gets even worse..the day they start REALLY stripping us and not just with a camera..I'll think twice about going over...
I agree! If they're going to be looking at my "stuff" I might as well look decent under there! : )
Rebecca Jo said…
I've seen all the talk about these scanners... Kinda crazy that we even HAVE that techonology!

I wanna know what that dot is above her arm pit though?????
I dont think the people looking at the scans really care except if you have anything dangerous on.
Personally I am allll for it! If this prevents disasters then it is worth the wait!
Ash said…
I'm fairly certain the whack jobs will still find a way.

Sad. But true.

Wonder if Spanx are impenetrable? Seriously. That stuff is like metal.
Batgirl said…
I don't like people looking at my bits either, but am willing to go with the flow as long as the person viewing us doesn't know who we are :-)

My sister went through one of those while pregnant - she didn't know what it was at the time, and a lady security officer nearly took the guy sending her through's head off, as pregnant women shouldn't go through there! Knuckleheads.
Roxane said…
This will make you giggle (or offend you tremendously lol) A few years back I had my nipples pierced. As I was going through one of those metal detectors I set it off. SO the guy took our the metal detector wand and went up my legs, around my waist, up my arms, and finally across my chest ::beep beep beep!:: ROFL his face was PRICELESS!
Okay so who want to see their body like that!?

I'd rather be safe then sorry is my motto!

Check everyone!
MommyLisa said…
Meh, I don't travel as much as I used to...new job does not require it.

I guess I have not thought enough to have an opinion, but that blob is scary.
Anonymous said…
Can I say I almost spit out my lunch when I saw that first picture? :)
Katinka said…
hahaha, good one! I like the idea of wearing that. I might have to try it. Will be flying to the U.S. in two weeks. I'm scared!!!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I agree with Amy...not nearly as cool of a job for a dude as he might originally think! LOL
I am flying to the US next month so I can do some real life research and fact gathering!
Corinne said…

That's what I want to say every time I go through airport security, I feel like a cow in line for the milk shed.

But hey, the most valuable lesson I learned in the military was "hurry up and wait." These airports ain't got nothin' on antsy military officials that make you wait for over twelve hours on a tarmac in the PI without power.

(Can you tell I've been drinking yet?)

The question in my head is: Are we really safer? Or is this a pacifier for us, and for Homeland Security?
Sounds and looks scary - No, No; Not you in the first photo!!!!!!

This Big Brother tendency is bothering me and typical Norway again to try to be the best (or first) in class :-(
Vanessa Rogers said…
I think wearing that outfit, you would get through the line just fine, much quicker than normal! Great plan!
Sarah - Kala said…
Well, not everyone has a rock hard body, for God'sakes! If I had to pass through a scanner like that, I already feel bad enough about myself to have a bunch of uptight women and/or men bemoan my size and shape like that . . . Jesus, makes me (a size ten) feel bad for myself as well as anyone who might be a bit bulkier than me. And, I think the folks with the job - a few of them might think that way, but for the most part, I think it would become so routine that making off-handed snide remarks about someone's fat body going through a scanner would hardly happen, because they are looking for bombs and guns etc..
But, let's face it: for the roughly 0.0000006 people in the world who carry such items onto the planes to bring them down, there's a gazillion more boarding them who are NOT.
I'm sick of being treated like a criminal . . . I'd rather take my chances, quite frankly. If this is something they are going to do for air ports, what about the bus stations???? What about for entering buildings??? We may as well all be perfectly thin and unhinged . . . for it not to bother us. Also, even the most beautiful, "perfect"ly shaped woman is going to feel FAT going through that thing - or imperfect!
Matty said…
I never thought I would look at underwear in a whole new light. Who knew.

As for security, I'm all for strict and thorough searches. This is terrorism we are dealing with, and it can be deadly. I don't mind the extra time and measures that have to be taken when I'm at the airport.
Karen said…
Seriously, the latter underwear as fairly sexy with those shoes....I'm just sayin'
PiNG aka Patti said…
Copenhagen doesn't have those yet and after hearing what my parents went through to board their flight home, I wish it did! The flights to the US were about 2 hours late because they did a hand screening of every single person boarding to the US, opened every carry-on item and went through everything. My parents said it was just nuts and the family standing in the 2 hr line in front of them had 2 toddlers!

If that's required, get the scanners everywhere and get on with it.
Sam said…
these things aren't fool proof by any means! how long until something gets through and security is raised even higher?
mub said…
I went through those stupid body scanners last time I flew and they STILL had the need to pat me down.
I agree...wearing the first outfit would definitely get you through a lot faster ;)
SH said…
It's like going to the doctors. It's no big deal and I'm all for it, because we need to prevent more disasters from the future.

When it comes to security vs. looking good, I'd rather go for the former.
Mammatalk said…
I like your thinking. You might as well give them a show.
Corrie Howe said…
I like the first picture. You should definitely wear this when you come to the U.S. I think you won't have any trouble at all.
prashant said…
I used to...new job does not require it.

Work from home India

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