12.12.12... a day to remember...

I woke up this morning thinking this will be the last time in my lifetime...
we get the day.month.year.. all of the same...

Wish I would have done something special on all of them... ya, but I didn't.

today- I just decided to remember what we did...

Woke up to yet another FREEZING morning here in Norwegian...
got my babies off to school...
and hubby unpacked from our weekend in Germany.. & repacked for a business trip to Florence, ITALY..
I LOVE ITALY...and it has been a while..
(wouldn't it be nice if we could travel with each other on business? - sigh.)

There was a lovely 9:15 sunrise... so I decided to to go down to our dock & take a few shots.
I worked... and worried about all of the things I haven't done in preperation for Christmas..
Picked up my baby girl early from school..
so we could have a little time together before her school's Christmas Show...
NAGGED my teenage son.. about studying for his test tomorrow...
about how he needs to get his act together if he is going to get into a good school..

Attended a FANTASTIC production by the 3rd grade... good lord, where does the time go?

little late dinner - just the 3 of us...
and wrapped up a really. nice.day.
Nothing really exciting.. but just another great day with my family...
You are probably asking... what the "a day to remember" bit was about?

sometimes I need to remind myself that is is all worth remembering.. the good. the bad. the hectic...
GOING TO BE BETTER... (or so I keep telling myself.. lol)


It's certainly a day to remember! Your kiddos are getting so big! Love seeing your pictures again.....so amazing! Happy Wednesday now Thursday by you! lol!
Sara Louise said…
A great reminder to live in the now and to remember everyday :)
Your daughters curls are so pretty!

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