Friday Skywatch...

Its Friday again .. and time for my favorite SKY pictures...
I sure hope y'all aren't getting tired of photos from my dock... because I never get tired of taking them...
When I noticed the smallest tinge of color in the clouds this morning.. I hopped in the car and raced down to the of my favorite places to take pictures...

When I showed hubby this... he said..
"Don't you already have that picture?"
" - Mmm like 500.. but I never get tired of shooting morning's like this"

Just so y'all know.. I am a kind of LAZY photographer...
this is taken in my IPHONE with no editing..
Yes... the sky & water really is this pretty here! .

Hope y'all will hop over & look at some of the other amazing photos this week..
(after you leave ME a little comment LOVE...)
at SKY WATCH , & A little piece of Heaven
Have a FANTASTIC weekend!


Kusum said…
Gorgeous evening!
Happy New Year!
David said…
Absolutely gorgeous. I am the same, I never tire of photographing the skies of Norway. Trondheim and Tromsø have been my favourites so far :)

Godt Nyttår!
Maurizio Riccio said…
Lovely! Happy new year...
Laloofah said…
Absolutely breathtaking!! Thanks for running out onto the dock to capture this and share it with all the parts of the world that don't get to bask under Norway's beautiful skies! :-)

I LOL'ed at your husband's "didn't you already take this picture?: reaction. I'm the same with sunrise photos... we have so many beautiful ones out here, I photograph them constantly and then worry that they all start to look alike. But I don't care - they're too pretty to ignore, like your skies there!

thomas said…
A sky i can never get tired off.
Marites said…
Had to laugh at your husband's remark but gee, I can understand the propensity to take a picture of that sunrise. It's really beautiful! Great capture!
TexWisGirl said…
gorgeous! reminds me so much of the views lady fi posts! gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

thanks for stopping in!!!
Aiketa said…
What an incredible sunset! So beautiful.
Norway is on my wish list of places I hope to visit some day! I think it's an incredible beautiful country.

I'm visiting from Sky Watch Friday.
Here's my sky:

Regards from Barcelona.
Anonymous said…
Another fabulous sky shot!
Gorgeous scene, requires no editing either. No wonder you never tire of capturing such beauty.
Laura said…
wow!!! exquisite! Happy New Year!
Mary said…
Wow! This picture is stunning!
That's a gorgeous view. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing that!
Photos by Stan said…
Wonderful capture! beautiful sky and reflection. The posts sticking out of the water add interest to the scene. Lastly, with such an eye-popping view, it is OK to violate the "rule" about the horizon not being in the middle of the image. Great job.
Frizzy said…
Gorgeous! Another one to hang on your wall.
Julia said…
Another gorgeous sky photo...simply beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing!
Marcie said…
Absolutely stunning sky scape. And my husband - too - often questions my wanting to capture that same scene over and over again.
Merisi said…
I shall never get tired of looking at a beautiful scene like this! And besides, the sky never looks the same once. ;-)

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