Next Christmas...PEACOCK...

We finally got the tree up last night...
And the kids had full control... they did an amazing job!
Pictures will be posted tomorrow..

My mother has a Christmas "thing" that used to drive me BONKERS...
my mother liked to have "themes" on our Christmas trees..
depending on her mood, or where she had been that year..
would determine the kind of tree we had..

Oh yes.. I still remember the JAMAICA tree we had one year..
What I didn't like about her themes was that she changed our ornaments so often..
we never really had any special.. that we LOVED..
well except our special balls.. with our names written in GLITTER...
and the ornaments that she & dad had from their childhood.

Sooo being the daughter of DiAnn... I too would grow up to have a THEME on my tree..

Our theme would be TRAVEL... oh.. and boats...  ugh.
Had to stick with the whole Caribbean  (where hubby & I met theme)
I would collect ornaments from the different countries we visited,,,
Nice blown glass ornaments were always my favorite..

As Eva dropped onr of the blown glass suitcases last night (eye roll on the suitcase)

I decided I need a NEW THEME for next year..
Not sure how I will do it.. but I am sure it will be FABULOUS..
(just like my travel tree)
I will start buying ornaments RIGHT NOW.. so everything is ready for next year..
this peacock tree is a weee bit over the top for me... but I like the colors..
MUST have these stockings...
Oooo about 15 of these... with pictures of the kids/family...  throughout the year
Just needed to make my own little pinterest on here.. :-) 
OK.. tomorrow pictures of the very LIGHT Christmas decorations going on here...
Be nice to each other.. & stay warm...


We always pick up an ornament from where ever we travel looking back at them. I'm not a theme tree girl but I do like the peacock colors and the icicle picture frames are awesome!

Merry Christmas!!
Unknown said…
I LOVE those frames... don't worry I am not going to go C R A Z Y .. lol
Kelly said…
You are DiAnn's kid!!! My tree's theme is hodgepodge - every ornament I've ever received is on it - a theme is too organized for me.

One of the docs I work for has a peacock tree - it is quite impressive!
Julia said…
So fun! I love all the colors! And the frames are awesome!
Sara Louise said…
I think a peacock theme would be fabulous!
Anne said…
God Juuuul :-) hærlige avslappende dager :-)

Likte så bildene dine fra sjøkanten, de flotteste himmelfarger, ja slikt kan man virkelig like du :-)
likeschocolate said…
I am not a theme Christmas tree person either. To me they are slightly impersonal. The best part of ornaments are selecting ones that having meaning to ones family. I do like the colors of the peacock tree though! Wouldn't mine one or two of those ornaments finding their way on my tree.

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