Christmas Cuteness!

I have one of "THOSE" friends... 
You know the kind, that no matter what she touches... it turns out FABULOUS..
 She works full time... and has time to decorate her house with fresh flowers..
and bake Gingerbread houses with her kids...

I really want to kind of hate her...
especially as I look around at my dead potted plants...
and the disaster of a Gingerbread house I tried to whip together last night...
Ya... of course I didn't have enough GINGERBREAD so we had to finish it off with whatever I could find..

Ummm.. yes, that would be HAM...
Thanks so much Helene for the Gingerbread House idea.. :-)

OK.. I am kidding.. this is not my house of ham... I only wish I had gotten as far as making a disaster...
I have done NOTHING...
Now it is off to buy the FIRST Christmas present before my conference call in 2 hours..
UGH.. wish me luck!


The ham house is too funny! I've never made a ginger bread house with my girl...oops I'm that Mom! She is at college now and her and her friends made them! good luck with shopping!
Julia said…
The ham house is hilarious! It's really too cute and you made the best of it!
Rue said…
that house ham is very funny!
Sara Louise said…
Your friend's gingerbread houses are Christmas perfection! Me, I would end up with the ham house.
I love your friend's gingerbread houses - and your sense of humour!

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