2012 in review.... Jan.- June
Unbelievable how fast the years FLY by when you are an adult...
Overall... it was a pretty good year... settled into my job... made some wonderful memories with my children.. and we were all healthy... (knock on wood).
January... We rang in the New Year with good friends,good food & good drink...
And I got to party with MADCON... totally earned some cool points with my kids.. :-)
Feburary- I turned 40 - again...
& my babies threw me the best party ever... my sweet,sweet son- took all of his savings, road the bus into town & bought me the Michael Kors wallet I had been wanting... can we all just say awwww - ?
I did alot of traveling around Norway for work...
March- after waiting a long time for Eva to start losing her baby teeth... they finally started coming out fast and furious.
she also entered her first dance competition
- Dane I spent a lot of time at the beach taking pictures together...

April- was all about our friends...
Eva & her girls working on the never ending tree house...
My best friend from HS..finally made it over to see me in Norway--
Kell & I have been through thick & thin in ou 25 years of friendship...
no matter ow much time passes between our visits.. some things never change...
May... my favorite guy became a teenager... and we decided to celebrate by taking a mom & son trip to LONDON..
best part of the birthday was meeting Bella Thorn & Zendaya at the tower of London..
& of course we can't forget my kiddos on Norway's National day..
June - was filled up with end of school parties... Dane was FINALLY out of elementary school.. 7th grade
and Eva finished 2nd
We spent every nice day on the water - while we counted the days until VACATION
Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year!!!