Christmas (lite) 2012

Just wanted to share a few photos from Christmas 2012...
this year was "lite"
because lack of time this year... I did everything on a much smaller scale..
I was sooo laid back..(or just late) that this is the first time in 17 years together..
Bjørn asked if I was going to put a tree up..
Yes.. I was THAT late..
but the tree eventually made it up.. and the gifts made it under.. finally on the 23rd.
(Eva 8 & Dane 13)

We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner at my in laws, with the cousins..

We had turkey at our house on Christmas day...
with a beautiful snowfall...
we ran out & took advantage of it..
building snow people & of course the snowball fight.

(Ya... you really don't want to know..)

On the 2nd day of Christmas... - yes, they do that here...
We took the kids to a PLUMBO concert...
the kids had a fantastic time.. & were able to meet the band after the show..

I hope all of you have had a very Happy Holiday...
Hard to believe that there is only one more day in 2012... where has the year gone?


Anne said…
Hei hei og hjertelig tusen takk for trivelige ord i bloggen min :-) Alltid så superkjekt når noen nye bekjentskaper legger igjen noen ord, betyr mye mer enn hva du aner.

Et år har gått, men ett helt nytt ubrukt står for dør. Virkelig dagen for å være litt sentimental dette, og alltid har jeg tåren i øyekroken på en slik dag :-) Bare fordi en er glad for å være med på denne `reisa` :-))

Kos deg meg kvelden og GODT NYTT ÅR!
Julia said…
What a lovely Christmas you all had! And Wow, look at all that snow!! Happy New Year!
Sara Louise said…
It all looks like so much fun!
And your daughter has the most fantastic head of hair, it's gorgeous!

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