Reflections & a heavy heart..

I woke with a heavy heart this morning...

I have had a heavy heart since the shootings on Friday... but I have tried to shake it & get on with life..
whilst trying to be just a wee bit kinder.. understanding.. patient..

But this morning as I rolled over and made the mistake of checking Facebook...
(yes.. I am that horrible person with a smartphone on my nightstand)
it just CLICKED for me...

The horror of the shootings at Sandy Hook on Friday is horrible...
what is also horrible is the fighting going on FACEBOOK
 back and forth..back and forth...
guns.. no guns.. guns.. no guns...

My very wise 13 year old asked over dinner this evening....
"why are they fighting over gun control in the US? - shouldn't they be thinking about the victims of this horrible tragedy right now?"

"Yes.. my darling.. they should. .- they should be thinking of the victims.. and how we can all do something to make the world just a little bit better place."

It has only been a year and a half since Norway experienced our own tragedy...
When a bomb went off only a block from my office...
and then kids were slaughtered on an island by a lone gunman..."

Norway pulled together at once...
there was a spirit of how we will overcome by loving and supporting each other

I must admit.. in the weeks following.. when I would hear Norwegians compare they had handled the bombing/shooting compared to how American reacted to 911... I was irritated.
How can you compare 911 - being attacked by foreign terrorists.. to a homegrown terrorist.
July 22 - was more comparable to the Oklahoma bombing...
We (Americans) didn't lynch each other.. 
I don't remember tearing the country apart.. turning on each other.

But now... when  Americans should to come together - to grieve.. and try to do better.. teach our children to do better... we are filling the Internet with hatred and finger pointing..
and it MAKES ME SICK. 
I am glad that things have appeared to calm down on Facebook.. because I really was this close to start deleting real life friends off of my list- because I can no longer tolerate their tirades

OK.. thank you.. stepping off of the soapbox...


MommyLisa said…
I just about unfriended someone. Hope you are all better.

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