Weekend wrap up....

This weekend has gone by in a flash...
Trying to keep myself busy... whilst trying to grab some much needed downtime...
On Friday.. hubby just returned from Italy.. baring gifts..(wine for mommy)
the snow was falling & the kids were still out playing..

I decided to whip up my mom's French Onion soup..

the secret is the wine... lots & lots of wine...

as I was finishing up the soup... we heard the news...
Hubby & I sat and watched for a bit in shock & horror... until the kids came in
I think this is the first time I have been able to turn off the news during a tragedy like this..

The only thing on my mind was spending as much quality time with my family...
holding my babies just a little tighter.

I am glad I was able to turn it off... and not have to hear every horrible detail..
even more thankful that my 8 year old still doesn't know what happened...

Woke up the next morning determined to make the most out of our weekend together.
I wanted to get the tree up... the kids had other plans..
we had a first real snowfall of the year.. and there were snowball fights to be had.. and hills to sled down.
My angels...
Look at those cheeks... they were about to fall off by the time I finally got them in the house.

SAME angels... when they thought mom had gone in...
Sunday... still no tree -
But the American Cookie Exchange...

Nice to have a little bit of "home" here in Norway around the holidays... 
Not sure what I would do without these ladies..

the next generation

cookies, kisses & cuddles & then it was off to Eva's swimming...
we spent the entire weekend running around...
NO TREE...  Not a single Christmas gift bought...
the control freak part of my is screaming inside of me...

The worn out... thankful to have time with my husband and kids - me...
is telling my inner screaming voice.. to shut up...
Somehow.. someway... I will pull it all off... 
I always do..

Wish me luck this week.. I am going to need A LOT of it...
lets hope Santa brings me a new camera.. because this iPhone is really horrible. :-(

Be nice to each other ...
say "I Love you", hug often & laugh loud...


Nancy said…
It looks like you had the perfect weekend. Your children are beautiful; love their rosy cheeks. We finally got a real snowfall here in Estes Park, Colorado last night. At 7,522 ft, it's unusual to get our first snow this late. I'm enjoying your blog and am following now. Blessings.
Your kiddos are too sweet with those rosy cold cheeks...its tragic but what you did was perfect hold them tight and be together! Now off the computer and get shopping!! Merry Christmas!
Wow! Those rosy cheeks and red lips, those kiddos are drop dead gorgeous!
There is still time for tree trimming and shopping!
Take time to enjoy it all.
Love the American traditions you honor so far away.
Sara Louise said…
I can't get over those sweet rosy cheeks! So cute!

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