Americans in Norway...

There are indeed MANY of us here (Americans in Norway) ...

Just had lunch with another really nice American blogger here in my area.... kind of like a blind date... it went well I think....

Talked to Corinne over at Northern Natterings we are FOR SURE going to plan a get together over the summer...for all of our fellow bloggers & expats alike.... We would like to plan something while Kelli from Mads & Kelli is in town... but I'm not sure I will be back from our
TI PI -Tastic trip through Europe... if I'm not, Corrine PROMISED we would have another party in August... I'm also up for hosting a get together in the fantastic resort town of FREDRIKSTAD.... Who is in? (No weirdos - PLEASE)

Holly... There wasn't a link to your email address... if you pop back here, email me... Love to shoot the B.S. with ya...


MsTypo said…
Bloggy get togethers are always fun! Have fun guys!! :)
Corinne said…
I really hope you guys can make it back in time for the mid-July shindig. Crossin' my fingers! Now I just have to talk Sverre into going, he's being a grump about meeting new people.
BenLand said…
hey.....did you see your "blurb book" pic over on ???? it's in the collage towards the bottom!!!!

just thought i'd let you know in case you didn't notice :)
(great pic)
sues2u2 said…
That get together sounds like a blast. Wish I could be in the area!
Anonymous said…
I'm in! Wait until I'm back from the States, K?

Anonymous said…
It sounds like fun to me! Corinne has my email addy (my blog is private). Talk soon I hope :-)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Please come back in Time!!!!!!
JEDA said…
I'm beginning to feel special, being the ONLY American blogger in all of Bergen and all....

I'd totally come if I could. And you know I'm weird so I would have cranked it up the extra notch too.
Anonymous said…
It was so great to meet you yesterday! I finally found my phone #, so I'll shoot it to you in an email. Let me know if Friday works out for you. And of course I would be up for something in Fredrikstad in August!!
LadyFi said…
Yes please! I've never had a bloggy get-together and would love to meet you all in person!
Laural Out Loud said…
I wish I lived in Norway just so I could party with you!
Jennifer said…
How fun! I wish I was living abroad! Then maybe I could come to the party! ;-)
beaverboosh said…
Hey girl, unlikely to make Fredrikstad, very kind of you though! Trying to get RennyBA to organise an Oslo event in August (I think he is sort of the spiritual leader of Norwegian (non-expat) bloggers)! Help me out if you can! BBx.
Anonymous said…
I have not been able to read you for a few days! But not to worry you are still a hoot!..wish I was there!...Shi~
Bcreative said…
Hei! I love reading your blog.. yes there are many Americans popping up around Norway. This is my 4th time to Norway in a little over a year. At the moment I'm spending the summer here with my fiance (who is Norwegian). I commute from Mysen to Oslo ever week day for Norwegian classes with the ISS this summer. I'm hoping to move here next year and get married if all goes well. All this customs/passport/immigration stuff is confusing and sometimes annoying. I have a blog about my journeys to and from Norway that I've started to revive. Hopefully it will become more interesting or humorous to those that venture there.

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