I DID it!

I found 300 kr in birthday money stuck to the fridge... B I N G O..
Y'all told me too... & I did...
I always feel like I need to justify myself when I buy something like this...
(of course I can drop $100's of dollars on NOTHING or on the kids.... but when it is something for ME... I feel bad...)
But I am LOVING these... can't wait to break them out & see how they look mixed up with what I have...
The store had 4 sets left... lets hope that no one else will buy them because lets face it... you can't get a whole set now... & they will mark them even L O W E R... cross you fingers for me... I am going to be the crazy ROSENTHAL stalking lady... waiting.. & waiting... until the store no longer wants these dishes taking up place & practically GIVE them to me... (a girl can hope can't she...?)
Thanks for the push I needed to get in the car & GO! : ) tee hee...
Suzanne... YES.. we do make more money over here... min. wage is something like $15 an hour. but remember gas is $8 a gallon... milk is about the same... OUCH
they are really cool :)