I DID it!

I did it! I went back through "rush" hour like a crazy woman... & bought not ONE but TWO sets..
I found 300 kr in birthday money stuck to the fridge... B I N G O..
Y'all told me too... & I did...
I always feel like I need to justify myself when I buy something like this...
(of course I can drop $100's of dollars on NOTHING or on the kids.... but when it is something for ME... I feel bad...)
But I am LOVING these... can't wait to break them out & see how they look mixed up with what I have...
The store had 4 sets left... lets hope that no one else will buy them because lets face it... you can't get a whole set now... & they will mark them even L O W E R... cross you fingers for me... I am going to be the crazy ROSENTHAL stalking lady... waiting.. & waiting... until the store no longer wants these dishes taking up place & practically GIVE them to me... (a girl can hope can't she...?)
Thanks for the push I needed to get in the car & GO! : ) tee hee...
Suzanne... YES.. we do make more money over here... min. wage is something like $15 an hour. but remember gas is $8 a gallon... milk is about the same... OUCH


Mary Ellen said…
Woo-Hoo! Good for you. Fingers crossed for more markdowns.
Corinne said…
Ha! Plate poaching...or would it be stalking? Poaching sounds cooler. Good buys are almost better than chocolate...enjoy! You ARE allowed to treat yourself!
Anonymous said…
theyare so FAB! Enjoy...
those are beautiful! I'm crossing my fingers for you that you get them at a great discount!
BenLand said…
good for you!!!
they are really cool :)
Lizzie said…
way to go! very cool to by the way :)
Batgirl said…
Those are well cool! Great buy! :-)

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