So hard to say good lost MO-JO

Sigh.... where have I been, you ask?
OK, OK, no one has asked, no one has been looking for me...sigh...

(feel like I will be sighing A LOT in this post.....)

But I am here.... can't even tell you what I have been up to really.... (nothing exciting....)

OK... saying GOOD BYE to bags & bags of crap & clothes..... cleaning out closets, working LOTS...

Bjørn finally convinced me to say goodbye to all of Eva's beautiful baby clothes....

I saved the special things... but all of the things I was hanging onto to sell on our version of EBAY was given away this past week.... ( I KNOW I could have made a fortune...) - ok probably not... Lilly Pulitzer, Kate Mack aren't real big over here......

But he convinced me that it really wasn't worth the time or the mess to start trying to sell the BOXES & BOXES &BOXES of her clothes... so I gave them away--- So hard to say good bye...

As Bjørns co worker was trying to pry the huge plastic tubs out of my hands... I asked Bjørn if he was REALLY REALLY sure... this is it... (NO MORE BABIES----no more baby girls...sigh....)

I kinda feel better.... a little bit... I gave most of it to my god daughter... some to a couple who works for Bjørn.....

I have packed up boxes of almost NEW toys to give to Eva's pre school.... I get sick to my stomach when I calculate how much money we have pissed away on toys my children never played with - or for that matter...even asked for.

that's what I get for trying to turn my tom boy daughter... into a girly girl...lots & lots of baby dolls, strollers, clothes she has never touched...

OF course NOW that I have it all packed up & ready to go... she thinks she might like to try to be a little girly girl....

I feel like the past week or so I have lost my MOJO... (not sure I had any to begin with...but whatever...)

I haven't felt like doing ANYTHING... I haven't been blogging/haven't been reading blogs.... I haven't even been playing for hours on end, with my pictures.... (my family is starting to worry about me... - "daddy, why ISN*T mommy blogging?")

Bare with me.... tressa's trying to get her groove back...

Getting ready for the big ROAD TRIP.... eeek... I am not ready... I feel like I need to be more prepared...but Bjørn & I have decided to TRY to wing it as much as possible... so we aren't locked into an itinerary.... Not sure if I have mentioned but i am kinda a "control freak".... so we will see how the winging it goes...

I USED to be able to "WING IT" I am the chic that would sleep in lockers at the train stations...hop on night trains going to where ever, crash on floors..... but ever since we had our kidlets I have forgotten how to "WING IT"....

Y'all cross your fingers for me that I am going to be able to be the free spirit I once was & the entire family is going to have a BLAST trekking across Europe in our.. um... TI PI---

looking forward to it....
photo cause a post wouldn't be a post without one... Babies on the way to see Alexander Rybak with daddy.... (winner of the Eurovison contest...) this weekend...


Corinne said…
You'll get your mo-jo back, don't worry! And we'll all be here when you do. Take some family time, and I know you'll have a BLAST on your roadtrip. You guys still taking the Route 66-ish tipi with you?
awww...I remember when I gave a way the last of the baby clothes! It is a hard thing to do!!!
Unknown said…
That is so hard to let that stuff go.
Even now when I see little girl toys and clothes in the store I almost cry. I miss my baby girls and the thought of not having more is so sad.
But, I really am done...I really am.
You'll feel better soon.
Debz said…
Man. At the risk of repeating myself, GORGEOUS babies. Just gorgeous.

No one looks for me when I'm off on sabatical either. Not that that should make you feel better, just thought you'd like to know it's not just you no one is checking in on.
Ok, I thought you were saying goodbye forever. DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN.
Jemma said…
hey it's tough being super mom- I thought you were just up to your eyeballs taking a few days off! when are you going on the road trip?
Batgirl said…
We missed you! Just thought you were enjoying the nice weather while you could :-) I'm sure you'll enjoy your road trip, although I can completely understand you're a little uncomfortable with the whole "winging it" thing. I guess when it's just you it's easier to take things as they come, but when others depend on you it'd be nice to know at least one spot every so often on the route where you can sleep/raise the tipi and eat!
Anonymous said…
We have to get together--soon! I feel like I've been out of touch lately too, and I'm not sure where exactly I've been. Are you going to be around this weekend? Send me a msg on FB or my phone.
Anonymous said…
Oops--that was me, Leanna.
Lizzie said…
your daughter is getting so big! it's fun to be reading here long enough to notice your kids growing :)

i hope you have a wonderful time, if you need to just take a sedative, ha ha.
sues2u2 said…
A couple of weeks ago we got rid of Hanae's dollies & some other things of that nature. It was harder on me than her!

Hubby had a vasectomy per my request when Hanae was born. Now, 7 yrs later I really want another one. sigh... really no more babies.

I think you'll be back to yourself once you get on the road. I'm hoping that will help me too.
Robbi said…
I missed your blogs, but figured you were enjoying the beautiful summer, and busy.

It's tough letting things go.

I hope you have a great holiday and hope the teepee isn't too much of a hassle, lol.
While I can't say I understand about giving away the kids little clothes (no kids), my BFF said it was REALLY hard to do. Therefore, I do hope you're feeling a bit better. : )

If not...chocolate always make things like this better.
Kelly said…
I've been checking my google reader for updates all I definitely missed you!!! I've lost my Mojo along time now I just live vicariously through you :)

It sounds like you've been VERY productive...don't be so hard on yourself. I can't wait to hear about your "winging it" vacation with the kids. We've done that for years and have ended up sitting around looking at each other so this year Bill (aka master list maker) is taking the reins and is planning, planning, planning....
First of all... that picture is ADORABLE... take time away and just soak it all in, your mojo will come back and we will be here waiting!
Hi Tressa, I left you an award on my blog. Hope you like!
MsTypo said…
Let it all wash over you and your mojo will return. Just relax and roll with it. :)

And take more adorable photos like todays!
Doriana Gray said…
That must have been hard letting go of all the baby things....I can understand your pain completely as I really need to do this too now as baby number 3 grows out of things. I have so much beautiful baby girl stuff too...
Selling it is a time? Maybe its better to let it all go the way you did. They say when you let things go, that you make room for new things to come into your life...hugs.
Anonymous said…
How was Alexander Rybak?!

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