Kicking myself....

Oh ya... I remember why I don't go out shopping anymore... its because I have a PROBLEM...

Although things cost about 4 x's more than they do at home... I have saved a fortune since moving here because I never go out to S H O P... I only like to do my THERAPY shopping when I THINK I am getting a good deal... a REALLY good deal which almost never happens here...

Today I was going to do all of my running around... I have been on a mission this week to use every gift card I have saved since my Christmas & my birthday... I had my first massage here in Norway... (interesting experience for a prude like me...)

Today I was going to use the gift card from my Brother & sister in law.... it is worth about $50 U.S.. Super sweet right? I thought I would go & pick up a coffee can... (not sure what you call this in English...) You know, to keep your coffee warm & on the table...

Um, ya right... not in THIS STORE unless you are willing to pay approx $150...

As I move to the back of the store to the sale section thinking I could perhaps find a designer FLY SWATTER for around $50... when I spy THESE.... on CLOSE OUT!.....


Original price for 3 pieces about $150...

marked down to $80....

(Remember I have a $50 gift card....)

I really liked these 3 pieces...
I thought I could mix them up with all of my other fun white pieces.....
I went around with myself for about 20 min...before walking out... because I wasn't sure it was a really "good" deal .....
Mind you I blew about $500 today on nothing but C R A P.... a rubicks cube for the car ride... a pedometer.... a new bike lock... NOTHING...
I looked up the pieces on the internet... it was a good deal... I want to kick myself....
Damnit... it is MY birthday money... I am going to go buy these crazy china pieces & maybe even buy another set... of course I will have to hide them in the basement until Bjørn is on his next business trip.....
I want these... I N E E D these....


Honey, it's your bithday money. Birthday money is fun money. Granted you still need to kick in $30--but that's what you tell Bjorn...."The set was originally $150 and I paid $30". There is no lying in that statement.

Besides, it's not like you're spending $30 on something you'll never use. These are pieces you'll have for life.

Ronda's Rants said…
Think of the savings though....
I love them and I adore white dishes and those are so unusual. YOU must have them. :)
Ash said…
If you're STILL thinking about them, they are a deal - something you will pull out of the cabinet on a random day to serve something wonderful and still be happy that you went back to get them.

Now GO!
Corinne said…
I like Kelley's logic. Yup, only $30. The 3 for 2 deals at the book store get me every time...I've got quite the library of chick-lit going on over here. ;)
Suzanne said…
Get the china. First of all - it's Rosenthal. Worth the money. Second of all - it's YOUR birthday money. Treat yourself. This is a no martyr zone, I promise you. Don't hide the china. You don't have to - refer to the part where I reminded you ..... IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY MONEY! HA.

I would eat on that china every day. Cereal in that cool bowl.

I wanted to ask a question. if everything is four times the price of the U.S., are the salaries four times what we make? Enquiring minds want to know.

- Suzanne
Mary Ellen said…
Birthday money is intended to help you splurge on yourself - I say GO FOR IT. You deserve a treat, and this is one that will last for a long, long time!
Doriana Gray said…
Definitely buy them, they are lovely and if you don´t get them quick, they will be gone! Germany is also expensive and doesn´t really "do" sales, so I hear your pain.

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