I ♥ Faces - SEPIA

This is my sister in law in her BEAUTIFUL Norwegian Bunad (traditional dress) as we took the sailboat into town for all of the 17th of May festivities ...

Not sure I am in love with the way Eva looks in the picture.... But there were a lot of elements I liked... I was shooting up at her with an AMAZING sky... & I really liked her eyes...

Head on over to I Heart Faces, & see who else is playing! Are you playing yet? if not...WHY NOT? Sooo many neat bloggers who WOW me every week...get on over there...go on ...


Ann said…
She is beautiful! I love her eyes.

Thanks for checking out my blog.
Pseudo said…
Great photos. Her eyes have you from the first moment in that last shot.
Anonymous said…
Amazing pictures...

The adult one looks like it could be an old picture found in a box in someones attic. Great job.
Roxane said…
I love the traditional dress! Very cool :)
Those are both very pretty shots! I love her outfit and the little girl's eyes. :)
Love, Alyssa
BenLand said…
love that photo of your daughter...it is beautiful...and her eyes are crazy awesome!!!
Fun photo! Love the energy!
BenLand said…
btw, i nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award....come over to my blog and check it out when you get a minute....it's kind of fun :)
Unknown said…
These are just great! :-) I love your entries this week!
I triple love sepia photos!! Even the most simple color photo just pops with sepia!
Tim said…
Oh wow these are BOTH so good! Good luck this week with them!

Love and Prayers,

Wow..both of those are soo great! I love the I heart faces stuff and you have a great eye!!! Good luck this week!
Laural Out Loud said…
She looks gorgeous in that picture! And a little sassy, lol. I love shooting my daughter's face from below and getting the sky like you did. Great job!
Aubrey said…
LOVE the photos!

Eva is TOO beautiful!
Jill said…
Gorgeous photos!! As always, you capture such serene beauty in your photos.
Those are AGAIN both GORGEOUS!!! I love your daughters eyes in that second one!
Unknown said…
Your sister in law is beautiful! Very cool picture to do sepia on! I LOVE your daughters shot. So perfect. She is a doll! WOW!
Buckeroomama said…
She has the most beautiful eyes! :) I love the second photo.
Sweet Peripety said…
beautifully done pics!
Anonymous said…
oh my they are so beautiful! your daughter is so pretty! Love everything about these photos!
Hepburn Hilton said…
She has the same bunad that I have!

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