Land of the Midnight Sun...

Land of the Midnight Sun...
OK I am really too far south to truly enjoy the "Midnight Sun" for more than maybe one night... but these were taken around 11 pm last night... & if it weren't for these (in my opinion) AMAZING clouds, you can see it would still be pretty light....
I wonder what the neighbors were thinking as I stood on my toilet taking pictures out of the window last night.... there goes that CRAZY Freak of an American taking pictures out her window A G A I N...
A while ago I found some guys blog & it was an entire blog based on pictures of CLOUDS... some of the pictures were really cool...but still an entire blog about CLOUDS?... & then I start going throught the pictures on my computer & see how many pictures of the sky I have taken.... I am always AMAZED with the sky here in Norway... not like we don't have clouds or rain where I have lived in the U.S..... For a while, I was pretty sure it seemed so different because I never took the time to really appreciate the sky in the states.... but now I am pretty sure it is different here.... the clouds always seem to be right on top of us... as if we are on top of the world here... Hmmmm?

This isn't the best photo... but I thought it was cool that I could actually seen the rain coming...


Anonymous said…
That's so funny - I was just telling Es last week that the clouds are different here. And I also suggested it was the "top of the world" effect! They are amazing!!

I also think it could be that there is nothing to interfere with them here. I've always lived in mountainous areas, and big rocky mounds do tend to block some of the view. It's so flat here...
Bethany said…
I love watching rain arrive! My parents live in a field and we would always run to catch the rain and then run with it for a while. SO much fun! :)
Lorac said…
I have to admit I as well have a ton of sky pictures, especially of the coloured clouds. I love looking at the sky. it makes you feel alive!
Those are really good photos!!!
Corinne said…
I've told all my friends in CA that the skies are bluer in Norway...I really thing they are. Except for today...rain, rain, go away!
that's just gorgeous. i would have been doing the same thing! standing on the toilet taking photos!!! :)
Robbi said…
Gorgeous pictures!
LadyFi said…
I love cloud pictures! And these long light nights are just amazing.
BenLand said…
i can appreciate a good cloud formation too...i just like to watch them move and take on new shots...

Wow those pics are stunning!!! I love it when you capture something like that, the rain coming. So pretty!
Reviewer11 said…
wow cool and spooky pictures. One of my blog friends also takes a picture of clouds everyday.

from a SITSta :)
Visiting from SITS...Beautiful pics...I LOVE THE RAIN! I love walking, running and dancing in the rain!
Batgirl said…
I never thought about it that way before! Top of the world - it makes sense! :-)
Batgirl said…
I never thought about it that way before! Top of the world - it makes sense! :-)
Anonymous said…
That is so funny, I just put a picture of clouds on my blog also, I love clouds...there is something unearthly about them or something..

Any way yours are so beautiful... Hope the neighbors enjoyed the site...ummm your toilet is inside right? they really did not know you were on it? ...Well just asking...ahahahahahh shi :O
The Blonde Duck said…
It does look like the sky is closer! How pretty!
Jennifer said…
Well, I'll say this much: I love to see pictures of the sky in other parts of the world - it's always different! ;-)

LOL re: the cloud blog. Off the top of my head, I already know I have at least five pictures of the sky and clouds of all the places I've visited! ;-)
Design It Chic said…
Ooo i love clouds pictures too.. i have a bunch of them from when we lived in the attic apartment.. gorgeous!
Oh and also, come pick up your award from my blog!
Happy Tuesday!
Mary Ellen said…
More amazing photos - you should be putting together a book!
On top of the world, indeed! We have been taking many pictures of the sky lately. Thanks for sharing yours.
Lizzie said…
very pretty! and i love how you had to stand on your potty to get such good shots :)
Evansmom said…
I loved your photos. It inspires me to dust off my camera. Thanks for sharing.
Debie Napoleon said…
The crazy american takes some great pictures though...I love the wonder of what this world is!
Mammatalk said…
I think Norway is just a tad bit closer to Heaven!

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