Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda

It’s A Beauty Filled Life
If you want to play please head on over and let Jennifer atIt's a Beautiful Life know!
Here's my top things I should have done....

What is your top 10 things of things you should have done? This is really a TOUGH one... because although not perfect... I have a pretty awesome life...

If I had changed ANYTHING... school..boyfriends...bad relationships, I wouldn't be where I am right now.... So my shoulda list might seem a little superficial...

1:) I SHOULD have studied more & made better use out of the scholarship I had to study in Germany...(I did way too much partying....)

2.) I should have taken more time to appreciate the opportunities I have had to travel & see things.. instead of trying to have a good time... (so you see a common thread here?)

3.) I should not have taken my sisters moped out for a joyride - read...shattered leg, compound fracture, 1/2 inch difference in length & scars that will never fade.

4.) I should have never started smoking... I was 16 in Europe & thought it was sooo cool.... I quit THIS year

5.) I should have taken better care of my skin... I remember being 18 years old and dumping BABY OIL all over my skin while Song for Whoever (Kelly) & I spent our summers lifeguarding.. "Who cares if I am wrinkly when I am 30.... I'll be married!"

6.) I should have lost all of my extra weight this year

7.) I should have loved myself MORE.... thoughout my 20's-30's I would beat myself up for not being thin enough... or thin at all.... I look at those pictures NOW & think I was awful hard on myself... I was a cute girl.... with CURVES... ongoing problem... see #6

8.) I SHOULD have respected my parents more...(paybacks are a bitch...)

9.) Early on, I SHOULD have put my foot down in my marriage-with my kids- instead of always trying to "Go with the flow"

10.) I should have started blogging a long time ago! : )

(Super idea Jennifer!) - OK who is playing?


Oh, there are sooo very many things I wish I had done. Or done differently. Number one being that I thought I was huge when I was in high school. Not even close!
MsTypo said…
I should have done so many things differently... but then i wouldn't be who i am today. *shrug* It's a no win situation. LOL
1. Should have never ever started smoking (quit three years ago, started at 11. 11!)
2. Should have taken remedial math in college so I didn't only consider majors with no math open to me (I had to take it all eventually to get my Masters in computer science - and I was good at it too!)
3. Shouldn't have been shy and depressed as a teenager because I was fat. (FAT ! HA! I am physically incapable of ever being that thin again - I would die of skinniness! Why was I comparing myself to TWIGGY?)
4. I should never have put down the sick stray kitty hanging around my house because he had FIV and I was afraid my cats would catch it. Then we didn't know it wasn't as catching (like we didn't know how uncatching AIDS is) and it broke my heart, still does.
5. I SHOULD have put down my beloved cat earlier unstead of making him suffer so much because I couldn't bear to and wanted him to die on his own. I finally did have him put down, while he was in death convulsions. Guilt guilt guilt.
6. I should have saved my Egg McMuffin and shared it with my sister instead of eating it all when we were starving trying to live in an apartment in college. Guilt guilt guilt (even though she doesn't remember it anymore)
7. I should have brought my mother a drink when I flew up in Brownies. All the other girls did but I didn't. I don't really feel guilty about it anymore but I did for years as a kid.
8. I should have put my foot down about money and my bf 20 years ago instead of enabling him all this time.
9. I should have invested in the stock market in the 90's instead of keeping it all in savings thinking "it's gonna blow!". I finally did in vest and it DID blow (Dot com crash). Crap.
10. Hm hm. one more. um. Should have figured out a few drinks and I can fly anywhere and traveled more! I was afraid to fly for so long.
ok, I played.
Unknown said…
Okay...I'll go play on my blog. I can think of a lot of shoulda's but I hope it doesn't make me negative!
Jen said…
this is awesome. i so should have started blogging along time ago too. And I should have enjoyed being married with out kids instead of just jumping right into kids.
Roxane said…
Oh man, this is making me think of the long list of things I should and should not have done. It makes me a bit sad ::Roxane runs off to eat a pint of ice cream:: lol
Lizzie said…
that is a wonderful list of "should have's" all are such wonderful things to live by, again... LOVED this list :)
Kristen Andrews said…
I have a huge list too! Thanks for stopping by!
Jennifer said…
Ahahaha! I love your list! Shattered leg? Yeek! I laughed out loud when I read the one about baby oil and being married! Hilarious! I'm working on #6 right now! And it's not as fun as eating! ;-)

Thanks for playing this week!
Unknown said…
YES I always tell myself I should have started blogging four years ago. How could I have missed out on this for so long!
Unknown said…
What a perfect list. I remember the baby oil too. What were we thinking? Way to quit smoking. You look PERFECTLY skinny to me just the way you are : ).
Interesting list. I'm going to do this in my journal tomorrow morning. I never know how to answer what I might change as I know I can't. Plus I see things with such different eyes at each age, after each adventure. But, I do know I would have used face and neck cream much sooner.
beaverboosh said…
hey recently smoking party girl, thats a lot a coulda shoulda wouldas!
Jeg notice no new posts. Not even any new comments even. Jeg er fortelling in my brain with some sporsmal in a wondering way where you are.
Ha det bra!
Design It Chic said…
Oh this was nice of you to share mrs naughty-ex-party-girl:P
Yet i believe you should be really proud of the things you accomplished so far and look back at nothing to change, because your life is what it is today thanks to that.. bad skin, extra weight, bad kids, this is all part of your life and this makes you you.. I hope you get my idea! Bloggy love to the American in Norway >:D<
Happy Monday!
Unknown said…
hey - this is totally off-topic but I couldn't find a place to email you on the blog. I just found your blog and am hoping to BS a bit, my husband is from Fredrikstad and in the summer we split our time between there and oslo. I'm having a hard time meeting people and was excited to see another american living in the area. I think my email is attached to this comment.

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