St. Lucia - Christmas in Norway

Unknown Mami First time I am playing along with Sundays in the City...(how FUN!) Today we celebrated St.Lucia in our little Norwegian town...

13th December every year is the celebration of St Lucia (or St Lucy) – a festivalwidely celebrated across Scandinavia. Girls dress in white robes and carry candles in a long procession and sing the hymn about Lucia. The candles symbolise the fire that refused to take St. Lucia's life when she was sentenced to be burned.

Traditionally a Catholic festival, it is thought that this tradition survived in Scandinavia because it is celebrated during the very dark days of winter.
Some people believe that back in the day when Scandies celebrated Yule (or Jul) at Winter Solstice, it was both a season of giving, kindness and celebration - but also a season of fear of dark forces – the scariest night of all at that time was called the Night of Luss
i – Lussinatta. Some believe that the festival of light is from this time to fend off the evil forces.

We celebrated St.Lucia this evening with all of our new neighbors.... The kids marched in a parade...sang songs & ate pepperkake & drank hot chocolate.
It seems like I am F I N A L L Y getting the hang of a Scandinavian Christmas...


Jen Sue Wild said…
How fun!! I love old world traditions. I grew up in Germany and we did so many fun old world traditions.. I kinda wish I still did them with my children..
Lori said…
I love your pics! It looks like so much fun! And it is so wonderful that your children are experiencing it! Love it!
Eternal Lizdom said…
I love learning about how the winter holidays are celebrated around the world!

I would hate to be the one with the lit candles on my head, though.
Matty said…
This is the third post today that I've seen about Saint Lucia. Prior to today, I had never heard of this tradition. You even added some more tidbits I hadn't seen in the others. Looks like you all had a great time. Thanks for the cute pictures.
Natalie said…
Such an interesting post! I'm glad I stumbled on your blog today, lovin the photos.
mimbles said…
Like Liz, I too am really enjoying learning about different traditions all over the world, so much fun!

Those are fabulous photos of your kids, I love your daughter's smile :-)
Dumbwit Tellher said…
So much fun to see your photos. A thousand years ago I dressed up as St. Lucia, with the candles on my head & all. It was for our Lutheran church & I had to serve tea. I ended up with wax in my hair for days. Best time ever! What a great celebration for you all. Thank you for sharing xx
Captain Dumbass said…
I love the pictures. I was in Norway a million years ago or so, or maybe it was the early 90's... whatever. It's a great country.
Joanna Jenkins said…
That looks like a magical time! Your kids are gorgeous!

Thanks for sharing your Sunday.
Sonya said…
I've heard a little about it before but you explained it I so love the photos you took! Have a wonderful week!
So interesting I had no idea! Your little girl is so cute but I gotta tell you I was worried about her hair and that flame!! Welcome to Sundays in the city. Can't wait to see more.
JennyMac said…
what an incredible experience. And your children are beautiful!
Thank you so much for sharing the photographs. When I was in elementary school I remember doing a school report about St. Lucia Day. It so charmed me.
Katinka said…
The pictures are SO cute :)
bj said…
What amazing photos. Everyone looks like they are enjoying it all.
I am bj...just stopping by from SITS...Have a wonderful day...
xo bj
LaDonna said…
You have a great blog going here. Glad to see another Texan in Norway. I hail from Dallas and live in Oslo. I found your blog through your comment on mine.
Sues2u2 said…
What a beautiful tradition. Sounds like it was a truly meaningful thing to do. And, man! I want to come celebrate Christmas w/ y'all!
Katinka said…
Thank you SO much for saying hello :)
I live in Wuppertal, near Cologne. My boyfriend is American and I'm gonna go back to California in January. We wanna live in Germany though. It's kinda complicated right now but we hope that our plans work out :) Have a GREAT DAY!!!!!! and I hope you'll stop by again!
MoMo 2.0 said…
Real life St. Lucia definitely seems better than just reading it in a book!! What an awesome tradition!
Kacie said…
Fun! I remember learning about that holday through the American Girl doll stories as a kid. Kirstin was from an immigrant family from Norway, and her story included all of these festivities.
Anonymous said…
Looks like you had a lot fun! What a great holiday.
My family is Scadinavian and my mom's family (in Minnesota) always celebrated St. Lucia. It is a beautiful tradition and what great pics and memories!

Found you above me on SITS and I am now following!
LadyFi said…
I love Lucia celebrations... we've had masses of concerts this year. We eat Lucia buns in Sweden... and drink glögg.. .(I've blogged about it too! Great minds, eh?)
gina said…
What a fabulous experience!! It looks beautiful.
Corrie Howe said…
Thanks for sharing a tradition and pictures. This is a great thing about the Internet, how much more "global" we can become.
The children are beautiful and I love learning about traditions that are new to me. Great post!
Cajoh said…
Thank you for the link… I got you linked up for Friday's Feast.

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