2 Good reasons for living here

I always feel bad when I bitch about my life... where I live (post below)... I do know that I am blessed.. I started trying to think about the positives to living here... & I would have to say the 2 cuties above.
This is their home...they love it here... they love their friends, schools, rooms.. and they will grow up having a hometown. Which is something I did not. I moved all over the place... I was often asked if we were part of the witness protection program, because we moved so often (dad was a big corporate guy) ... really ...what kid has to go to 3 different high schools--- That sucked. When people ask where I am from in the states... I usually tell them Texas...but in all actuality I ended up living in Kansas City, longer than Houston. My home in the US is where ever my parents are. Despite all of the cool places I have lived, worked traveled...I have missed having a place to call home... Although I think Fredrikstad is on the boring side...my kids love it here & they will have a hometown.... my positive thought for the day... : )


Diane Mandy said…
I know what you mean about complaining about a life that, for all practical purposes, is lovely. Do the same thing myself just about every week. Guess that's why I blog. :-)
Unknown said…
Ah ha... and the lady I am so envious of... Livingin Mannheim..(I went to University there...) Excellent blog...need to check it out if you already haven't
Anonymous said…
I guess they're pretty good reasons. :) I sure miss those two! Love ya guys!
1A said…
[raising hand]

I went to three high schools too. Couldn't be more different from my husband, who grew up with the same people on the same mountain in Norway.
M said…
oh... I went to three differents schools also! and well, I am from a city with 8 million habitants, and my husband grew up in what I call "The country side-island", you know... I love living in cities and my husband loves living "inni landet"... so there is he question... I will love to keep moving and he wants us to stay in one place, because of the children and the school and the friends... and honestly, I don't see his friends like a big thing in his life... I don't know, anyway, I know we are moving back to Norway before our child starts school, but I am just so loving Houston and the life here... Not easy :)

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