Gotta get me some BLING

Dane received this little diddy from his Aunt Ali in Chicago... a 100% A U T H E N T I C 5950 hat. You're probably wondering what the %¤#& is a 5950 hat... I still am not sure...if it has something to do with 50 cent the rapper or what... But it is T H E big thing right now. VERY not remove the sticker on the bill that says 5950 or no one will know it is a 5950.

He was so excited when he opened the box last night.... he proudly tried his hat on and said... "Ma, I gotta get me some bling!"

GOTTA GET ME SOME BLING... where the ¤%%#¤ would he come up with that? We don' t have TV, so he isn't watching Gangsta raps.. Very funny to watch these little boys run around with their "Gangsta" style... do they even have gangsta's in Norway?
He was pretty disgusted when I pulled out his outfit this morning..Blue Polo & khaki shorts.... "I'm going to look like a dork".... You are a dork...without missing a beat. & I explained that HE could be the trend setter... Why not show all of the thugs..& gansta wannabes what cute American College boys look like? Then I went into the whole... when you can pay for the clothes you can pick them out... but I am not going to buy that garbage...bla bla bla.... MY GOD... I sound just like DiAnn.. (my mother) When did I get to be such a MOM? I remember all of the "cool" things my mother wouldn't let me have because she thought they were tacky/trashy ie parachute pants..yo-yo shoes, Chinese Shirts.... Oooo how I longed to have the complete outfit... but DiAnn refused to buy them for me...& now, I am just as evil to my own children..... hee hee hee
I did however allow Eva to leave the house in this little getup last night. She was afraid she would get an earache if she didn't have her ears covered.. (a very Norwegian fear) she had not one, but 3 hats on... (it was the warmest day all year)... seeing as she is still 3 years old...people would assume that this is something she chose to wear & would not reflect on me as a mother....


N said…
I found your blog randomly. The influence of Hip-Hop and Rap have been going on all over the world. Honestly, I don't think it's a good style and I always see those "ghetto" kids wearing baggy outfits. Everybody all act tough and behave as if they're from poor neighborhood.

My mom dressed me with ugly clothes until I could buy clothes with my own money. Well, take care.
Diane Mandy said…
Oh the kids are so cute!!!
N said…
Nice background.
Anonymous said…
What a great Aunt he has... Love the hat, can't wait to give him the really thug-like one. xoxo
Debz said…
Eva is looking very Nicole RItchie (with some meat on her bones) and Dane is sooooo gangsta (I'm down).

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