You know you have been in Norway too long

I am in a crappy mood today.... CRAPPY.. meaning no sun although it was promised for the rest of the month...LIARS...
SO in an effort to make myself feel better... I am posting things that make me laugh instead of bitching about the friggen post office & furniture I ordered 2 months ago....

Thank you Leanna for this little diddy... made me smile!

You know you have been too long in Norway when.......
*You only buy your own drink at the bar even when you are with a group of people.....
*You can't remember when to say "please" and "excuse me".....
*You always prepare to catch the closing door if following closely behind somebody.....
* stranger on the street smiles at you, you assume that:a) he is drunkb) insanec) Americand) all of the above....
*Silence is fun.....
*you use "Mmmm" as conversation filler.....
*You actually believe that there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.....
*You know Norway's results in the last three years in the "Melodi Grand Prix" song contest.....
*It seems nice to spend a week in a small wooden cottage up in the mountains, with no running water and no electricity.....
*you know at least five different words for describing different kinds of snow.....
*an outside temperature of 9 degrees Celsius ( 45F ) is mild in mid June.....
*you don't fall over when walking on ice.....
*you associate Friday afternoon with a trip to the Government liquor store.....
*you think nothing of paying $50 for a bottle of 'cheap' spirits at Vinmonopolet ("the wine monopoly").....
*it's acceptable to eat lunch at 11.00 and dinner at 15.00.....
*it no longer seems excessive to spend $100 on drinks one night.....
*you know that "religious holiday" means "let's get pissed".....
*you enjoy the taste of lutefisk (jelly-like, bad-smelling fish).....
*you like to wrap your hotdog in a cold pancake.....
*you can prepare fish in five different ways without cooking it.....
*you wear sandals with socks.....
*your wardrobe no longer has suits but blue shirts and mustard coloured sportjackets.....
*you don't look twice at business men in dark suits wearing sport socks.....


Anonymous said…
That is too funny- I am first generation Ami and my Norsk family maintain all of these habits in the states. Proof the old adage of you can take em' out of the country...

Anonymous said…
You forgot: You know the difference between red and blue wax!
roberto OVALLE said…
No kidding there, especially with the "a stranger smiles at you in the street" thing.

Been in Norway for a month, and I am just beginning to understand...
Pearl said…
Oh, my. Some of that pertains to Minnesotans as well (although we would never let the door hit you if we went through it first and we smile a lot)...

Hepburn Hilton said…
Haha :) SO many of those are through! Except the not saying please and thank you thing.... Norwegian may be to boring, to plain, to quit and to cold - but we are not unpolite! haha

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